Prescot Cables

Not long before we play you lot at your place.We have a very tricky right-winger(not another one I hear you exclaim !) called Mark Duffy,last season’s Supporters’ Player of the Year, who has proved more than an adequate replacement for Mark Peers.Just in case you want to pinch another one of our players, he’s on a contract.Light-hearted banter this, so don’t go over the top with your replies ! ;D

well scared, you have 1 good player, wow

Nay, lad. Cables have always had enough good players to ensure Witton have never beaten them in Prescot’s 3 year reign in the Unibond ! [smiley=banane.gif]

thats great stato, im v. happy for you, live in the past.

Put your handbags away hey fellas!!