Prescott Manager

Prescot Cables manager Tommy Lawson has announced he is to quit the club at the end of the season. His decision appears to stem from the fact that Chairman Ted Mercer is also stepping down from his role at the end of the campaign although Mr Mercer is not thought to be walking away from the club. Lawson, who has been with Cables for five seasons winning the NWCL Cup in 2002 and two promotions, said ?It has been a fantastic five years but I feel I have gone as far as I can with Cables and it?s time for a fresh challenge. Its run its course at Prescot and I think its time now for me to consider my own future. I have still got the hunger and I don?t think I?m done yet with winning things?. Lawson was full of praise for Cables? Chairman Ted Mercer saying ?I couldn?t have worked for a better Chairman. He has been very supportive and I have been proud to work with him?<br><br>I just got the above from the Unibond web site, interesting quote that he dosen’t feel he can take Prescott any further, I would have thought they were in the strongest position of all of us to make the playoffs, wonder if he knows something we don’t…