Press Release - Friday 13th May

The press have been advised today that Mike Moseley has signed a new contract and will be leading the attack next season at WP. Good news for all concerned

Just come back from holiday to hear this good news. I’m obviously the only one to think so. This message board would have been too busy to get on it if MM hadn’t signed. We obviously don’t like good news.<br><br>Whilst in Italy this Italian came up to me and said "I see that that My Col Muesli has signed for Wit Ton Al B On again" <br>In my best pigeon Italian, and in common with the Witton following who are delighted with the news I replied: "Oh"<br><br>GE<br><br>(Truly underwhelmed)<br>

GE its a great signing, i think the lack of replies is because everyone knew because of the activity before the announcement so no suprise really, I think when Mike and Lee learn to play with each other they will be unstoppable, only need more quality in midfield to deliver the killer balls and well be flying, well done to the board in keeping mike.

Quote <br><br>When Mike and Lee learn to play with each other<br><br><br>Well what can you say to that? Entertainment all the way at Wncham Park next season

Startling news Ive never seen Sprucie so excited at the thought of a new season ;D