IT specialist teams up with non-league football
Evo-Stik NPL Div 1 (north) club Witton Albion is teaming up with Preston-based technology company NetDec in a three-year partnership which will see Wincham Park re-named The NetDec Stadium.
NetDec also becomes the club’s communications partner in an arrangement which could benefit hundreds of businesses across Northwich regardless of their football allegiances.
As part of their tie-up with the football club, NetDec will be offering high-speed internet connectivity across the town, boosted by small aerials installed on floodlights at the Albion’s Wincham Park home.
NetDec founder and MD Craig Townley is delighted with the deal. “From our point of view this is a win-win. We were very impressed with Witton Albion’s vision for the future and want to be a part of that. The communications partnership also enables us to showcase our product, not just in Northwich, but also to the wider footballing community.”
Under the terms of the partnership, Witton will host a series of seminars and presentations as part of a business networking initiative designed to help local companies gain new customers.
Celebrating the club’s biggest sponsorship coup in a decade, Witton chairman Mark Harris paid tribute to new Commercial Consultant Trish Brockbank who secured the deal, also pointing out that the deal is a very different take on conventional sponsorships.
“I’m delighted that Trish has been able to bring this deal in so quickly after joining the club. NetDec is one of Trish’s existing contacts so this is a real endorsement of everything we are trying to do at Witton Albion.”
“The days when a football club simply took a sponsor’s money in return for displaying their logo have gone. In today’s world, providing a Return on Investment is essential. Our partnership with NetDec is precisely that. We will be providing NetDec with a marketing platform from which to provide local companies with better and faster internet connectivity.”
“This is great news for Witton Albion FC. We will be working hard to help NetDec achieve their objectives over the coming years and hope that other companies will follow NetDec’s example.”

Excellent news - well done to Trish Brockbank and the board UTA

Sounds like a great deal for all concerned UTA

what sort of money are we talking about?

Well done to all concerned, excellent news for the club. UTA

No real wish to put a dampener on any of this, but it does strike me as most peculiar that a small IT company in Preston currently operating a significant trading loss should suddenly have seen the potential of doing business in mid-Cheshire. The only links I can see between Wincham and that part of Lancashire are certainly not Witton-based. Hope you don’t get your fingers burnt.

The green eyed monster rearing its ugly head again ???

You don’t have the interests of WAFC at heart Longham, so can’t see the point of your post other than to create discord where there isn’t any.

Nothing to see here, move along please.

[quote=“Knutsfordian” post=63314]The green eyed monster rearing its ugly head again ???

You don’t have the interests of WAFC at heart Longham, so can’t see the point of your post other than to create discord where there isn’t any.[/quote]

Fair enough, was just a thought, just something that had struck me, no malice intended. If there are no answers to the question, fine by me. As you say, not my problem.

If you think I’m jealous, also fair enough. Of some aspects yes, of others most definitely not.
I have the interests of local football at heart - though admittedly not from a WAFC perspective - and would sincerely regret it if decisions came back to haunt you. But they are your decisions to make.
The suggestion there is no discord in your current arrangements with other parties is however a little blinkered, I feel.

[quote=“longham74” post=63324][quote=“Knutsfordian” post=63314]The green eyed monster rearing its ugly head again ???

You don’t have the interests of WAFC at heart Longham, so can’t see the point of your post other than to create discord where there isn’t any.[/quote]

Fair enough, was just a thought, just something that had struck me, no malice intended. If there are no answers to the question, fine by me. As you say, not my problem.

If you think I’m jealous, also fair enough. Of some aspects yes, of others most definitely not.
I have the interests of local football at heart - though admittedly not from a WAFC perspective - and would sincerely regret it if decisions came back to haunt you. But they are your decisions to make.
The suggestion there is no discord in your current arrangements with other parties is however a little blinkered, I feel.[/quote]

Longham - why not discuss it on your own forum? there are a couple on there who love to talk about WAFC…

With the lack of football you lot have been playing recently you need to talk about something to pass the time.

True - but then all I’d get for an answer would be hearsay rumour and gossip. I was hoping for the odd factoid.

And true - probably explains my mind wandering to other things like this.

We’re going for an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for most successive postponements of our Lg Cup game v Ashton. I think tonight’s PP makes it 7 so far.

I’ll leave you in peace with your footy now

If you’re getting withdrawals why don’t you come to a witton match?
I’ve noticed a few of your lot hiding in the stands already and who knows you might even enjoy it!?

I’m afraid my dad brought me up not to contemplate such an option.

Anyway, I really must go now - I think my contribution on here has been described as a “savage attack” on WA on the JR forum. Don’t want to upset them (too much).

Good on ya, I’m just the same.
I’d rather paint a wall and watch it dry than watch any of the green lot!

[quote=“longham74” post=63365]I’m afraid my dad brought me up not to contemplate such an option.

Anyway, I really must go now - I think my contribution on here has been described as a “savage attack” on WA on the JR forum. Don’t want to upset them (too much).[/quote]

I wouldn’t call it a savage attack but your posts are an unnecessary and uncalled for dig at our club and some of the people that work so hard for it. You must be bored…

As for your own future sponsorship deal why not try Duncan Goodhew, Tom Daly or the Oxford and Cambridge Boat racing teams :whistle:

Mr Longham. I see you are “Sticking” as far as promotion is concerned, never mind you can try again next year, and the year after and the year after…

'currently operating a significant trading loss '… so what? Lots of companies have plans whereby they don’t expect to make a profit until year x etc!..and to be honest even if they never make a profit how on earth could we get our fingers burnt when they are giving us money not the other way round! The worst that can happen is that they can’t afford to sponsor us any more, at which point we would be no worse off than before they agreed to sponsor us!!!

Not sure the point of your post Mr Longspam?

Mr Longspam has nothing more interesting to think about or talk about, that is all :whistle: