Absolutely stunned when he told me on Saturday night but having spoken again with him then his reasons for stopping playing are fully understandable.<br><br>I’m posting this before the local press let you in on what really is massive news to all Wittoners. Also as over his 10 seasons at the club Pritch has earned the respect and admiration of virtually everyone he has come into contact with - apart from the Lizard’s Tait!<br><br>Wouldn’t it be great then to be there to see him lifting the President’s Cup at Bamber Bridge on Tuesday evening?<br><br>Then followed by giving him a thundering farewell on Saturday at Wincham Park when he plays his 457th and final match for the team he came to and fell in love with.<br><br>Spread this around and lets have even more Wittoners coming along to these last two matches of the season.

Well gonna say two things Pritch, I’m sure you already have thought long and hard about this but please think again, you have been the best this season than you have been for a while, we are getting a side together that I really think you can captain to the championship next year, you are a long time retired…!!!<br><br> If not… then thankyou, you have stuck with us through our darkest hour you will go down as a Legend in Witton’s history, I really wish there was something I could say to twist your arm to give us one more year because of all the players I’ve seen I think you are the one I most believe deserves to hold up the championship trophy for Witton Albion.

[color=Red][size=32]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!![/size][/color]<br><br>Wait a season and lift the title!!<br><br><br><br><br><br>[size=2]If not, thank you. Gutted.[/size]

Words fail me, thanks for everything Brian. <br>Lets hope your lifting that trophy tonight.<br>I feel a song coming on…

All the best pritch. its been a pleasure playing along side you. good luck in the near future. see u later. good luck lads for tonights game!

Respect the decision Pritch - BUT YOU ARE A LONG TIME RETIRED.<br><br>I know every season we’re turning a corner but I think this is the year we will get off the roundabout!<br><br>You have been outstanding(when selected!!!) this season and the magic number of 500 is fast approaching.<br><br>Shearer changed his mind, but whatever you decide - <br><br>THANKS A MILLION<br><br>

I will make him reconsider. :wink:

As the infamous KWS sang in the early 90’s "Please don’t go, please don’t go, don’t go…"<br><br>There only so many words that can describe what Pritch means to this club, and the one that I keep coming back to is COLOSSUS. Is any one man bigger than the team? well in Mr Pritchards case, maybe there is.<br><br>I’m sure that Brian has considered long and hard about this decision, and it would be no surprise that he reverses his decision, because Witton and Pritch is like Morecambe and Wise, Fred and Ginger, Beer and Kebabs, it was just meant to be.<br><br>If he sticks with his decision, then I have no doubts what so ever that this Saturday will be an emotionally charged day and one that Brian will never forget and also a day that his many followers never forget.<br><br>All together now…Brian Pritchard is a red, is a red, is a red…!!!<br><br><br>

What a shocker!!! <br><br>Devastated Pritch, but as others have said im sure you have your own very good reasons!!<br><br>A total legend who will be sorely missed!!! <br><br>Good luck for the future Brian<br><br> :cry:

I’m in shock. Totally unexpected but Pritch you’ve been a legend in every sense of the word for the Albion. Pretty much unreplaceable at the heart of the Albion team as well. Hope to see you down WP next season to cheer the lads on. :cry:

Gutted man!! what a shock! well, all good things must come to an end.<br> Pritch Lad, you have been Mr.Witton in every sense and wiil be missed terribly.At least I won’t have to look at at feet blisters anymore!!! honestly Bud, it has been a priviledge looking after your injuries over last 9 or 10 years.<br> All the best pal.<br> :frowning:

Brian, You represent what WITTON ALBION is all about<br>You have covered every job here, ground work, commercial and even playing.<br>You honestly have been a credit to US all here Brian<br>We love your 110% dedication to the game and the club<br>Thanks for all you have done you are what we aim for here<br>A HAPPY FAMILY CLUB, I am honoured to have witnessed you playing at OUR club<br>All the very best in the future, you will be sorely missed<br>We will have to find someone else to vote for from next season ?

My best memory of you will always be against Woodley.<br>All the best Pritch.

Gutted thought that pritch has been playing like the star that he is lately

i never thought you would retire mate, i thought you would play well into your 40’s!<br>All the best to you mate. Tick

Dont do it pritch - retire in haste resent at leisure - ur to young and to good to finish youll resent it all your life, if works an issue sometimes then talk with the mgr and just dont play when its to hard - wed be better of having you 80-90% of the time its only like being injured.might take some pressure off you.<br><br>hope you change your mind but if you dont very best of luck and hope we will see you in form at witton.<br><br>LEGEND

I am sure if it was possible for Pritch to play on he would like a shot but as you get older priorities can change. Good Luck Pritch.

"Pritch" seems a nice enough fellow, but I think that before he outgrows yet ANOTHER set of ever increasingly larger shorts he is right to go. Watching him play on a Saturday always reminds me of watching the tele tubbies…

and dont get me started on his ever receeding hair line…! [smiley=nono.gif]

Pritch,<br><br>Is there no truth to the rumour that the reason you have decided to hang up your boots is that the unibond league who seem unable to act on the spennymoore issue have come to an agreement on your poor taste in footballing footwear. The current pair when seen by Unibond league officials were deemed the "last straw" and they have been banned from the league<br>Its a shame they cannot be given away but maybe they can find a place in the wittion Museum.<br><br>Good luck with the Saturday afternoon shopping trips around the North West and well done on being an excellent ambassader/leader/player for the club.<br><br>Yoza<br>