Pritch on 497

Sir Brian Pritchard is now on 497 games not out, with his 500 th game due on Thursday at Ilkeston (weather permitting)<br>Well done Brian, you are a credit to football and I am sure I am speaking for a lot of supporters at Witton when I say you are what Witton Albion is about a good family club.<br>All the best mate I believe you are now 3rd in the all-time list. [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>All together now"BRIAN PRITCHARD IS A RED, IS A RED AND HE HATES NORTHWICH"

Indeed a credit to the club.<br><br>Just something else that was pointed out to me on Friday aswell - Hughessi made his 100th appearance for the club - not bad given, didn’t you only sign as cover and intended to retire at the end of that season!<br><br>

I think I’m right in saying that Pritchs’ first game was away at Buxton when he got sent off for a karate move on their centre forward I remember thinking that this lad won’t last long at Witton, congrats to Brian for all the years of dedication to the club a really rare thing these days, a pity the 500th will be away from home. hopefully when he beats John Goryls record it will be a home game!!

Just to correct Maddiesuncle my first game was actually at home to Bamber Bridge in front of a decent gate of just over 600! It was 0:0 and they had an outfield player in goal!<br><br>Buxton was the second game when i slightly misjudged the tackle when the lad was clean through on goal, i remember our fanzine(remember that?) made some reference to the tackle as a karate tackle. We were 2 nil up at the time and i think we added 2 more after i went off! All good memories apart from the season of 5 wins in 44 games!

Many congratulations Pritch on reaching that magical 500 match milestone last night. Shame it couldn’t have been at Wincham Park but nonetheless your achievement was warmly applauded.<br><br>Just to confirm your next target is John Goryl’s 539 matches - he took 12 seasons to do his btw. I think you said Rachel gave you four more years - taking that as in football!!! well the all-time record is Alf Ashley’s 604 appearances (No subs those days of course) that took him 14 complete seasons so you’ve plenty of time left still.

My one hope for you Brian is that you are still with us when we regain our place in the Conference(hopefully in two seasons) You are a credit to Witton and the game.<br>WHS.