
If anyone has a programme from the following games that they don’t want, I have had a cheque payable to Witton for each. Please give me a ring or email me (if you’re a member).<br><br>1.10.05 Witton Albion v Bradford Park Avenue<br>26.12.05 Witton Albion v AFC Telford United<br><br>Graham Edgeley<br>

:frowning: I couldn’t get hold of a programme for the Boxing Day game either (first time I’ve missed out at a home game in 15 years). <br><br>Presumably there’s no more spare original copies available, but would it be possible to obtain a photocopy via Neil or GE ?

I had a programme for boxing day that fell out of my pocket (gutted) if anyone has any spares let me know!

:(<br>Would this be a good moment to ask again that the club print a sensible number of programmes rather than just the absolute bare minimum?<br>It really doesn’t reflect very well when we can’t organise something like this on a matchday. One other thought, are we telling advertisers that hardly anyone will see their ads this year?

We order 100 for each game (more for the Telford game) and we sell them.<br>Last season we ordered 140 & had 30-40 left.<br><br>We took the decision to order 100 for each game and it works. Sorry if you don’t get one but economics state that we’d rather make a slight profit than lose on each game and have wastage. <br><br>Maybe if our gates improve (and I would hope they will if we continue playing as we are) then we will increase our order. But for now it’ll be 100.<br><br>GE<br>

Thanks for reply. I don’t just log on here to moan, honest…<br><br>Bit of a catch 22 as I’m not sure I can be bothered to make a rather long round trip by bus and train and a walk from town when the club can’t even manage to order what I’d consider enough programmes. Call me sad but it’s an essential part of matchday, same as others would protest if we only ordered half a dozen pies or shut the bar at two o’clock.<br><br>Have been to four home games this year without even seeing a programme seller, five away games and four programmes purchased no problem, still not sure why there wasn’t one at all at Radcliffe.<br><br>Anyway, seems as if the decision has been made and that’s that. Not for the first time I can’t help wondering if the bigger picture has been considered, not just marginal cost but real and opportunity cost as well. From what I understand of business planning this makes little sense. ???

I have a spare programme for the boxing day match -AFC Telford<br><br>Highest bidder for Club Funds !!!<br><br>Andy L

Andy,<br><br>You have PM.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Peter

Its yours then pete [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

[smiley=banane.gif] Much appreciated Andy!

i have a telford and bradford programme i think so contact me if somebody wants them

Yes please, Brian.<br>Can you bring them on Saturday, please.<br><br>GE<br>