Question for Pritch

How would you rate the present team with the others you have played with during all your loyal service with the club. Sorry to put you on the spot

Earlier in the season i was drawing comparisons with Nigel Gleghorns team, however over the past month i think this team has the potential to surpass that team if we continue to perform as we have done in the past few weeks. For one thing this team appears to be able to score goals,control games for long periods and most importantly doesn’t concede a lot of goals. The last point was a major factor in Niges team that if it had of been sorted out, we would of been promoted that year. Have a look back at how many games finished by us winning by the odd goal. Another comparison with that team to the team now was that we both got equally rubbish gates. I think back then we started with just over 200 for the visit of Stocksbridge and finished on 777 against Radcliffe! Another fundamental difference in the two teams comes in the goalkeeping positions. We have an experienced calm keeper now and back then we had young lad whose confidence was always effected by how bad his mistakes were. He proved he was a good keeper a few weeks ago though when he played against us. <br><br>As fo rthe rest of the Witton teams i have played in either we had a laod of money grabbing journey men, off the field nightmares or teams that just didn’t quite fulfill their potential. No matter what though i have loved every minute of it and still do.

We always seem to have at least 1 dodgy centre-back though don’t we…

I agree with you Pritch, best keeper in years in Kennedy, you can see how he gives confidence to the defence and midfield simply by how far forward they all push nowadays, as they say, "Attack is the best form of defence" and the way we attack en bloc keeps the opposition on the back foot. As for the rest of the team, I agree again, they all seem proud to pull on the red and white shirt, I cannot remember any player looking like he was giving anything less than 100 per cent. "Onwards and Upwards" (Should be the new Witton motto)<br>WHS.

thanks pritch for your full and frank reply, Long may you and the team reign. I like the bit from the ferriby site saying " Pritchard’s cute header ". never thought i would see the words Pritch and cute in the same sentence. i will go now as you must be blushing. Once again, thanks

Robbo you are right, it aways seems to be the lad next to me though! Cute and me always go together honest!

Who needs a "cute" centre back? Pretty is for mid-fielders and wingers, give me a big, nasty centre back every time. (I know you are only big and nasty on the field Pritch, off it you are a pussycat, even a "cute" pussycat!!!)<br>WHS.

My letter has been edited, apparently the word I used in place of "thingy" has sexual conatations!!! (Clue, it rhymes with Hussy).

Pritch. You are a God as far as I’m concerned. You were my son’s hero when he was younger and getting in to Witton as an 11 year old. The fact that he is now 22 and you are still one of his favourite players speaks volumes not just for your longevity but your 110% committment and your sheer strength and enthusiasm. I was made up for you on Saturday when you scored against the "streakers eleven". It must have been sweet revenge. Just keep going mate I know its difficult combining your exacting job with playing for us but we definately need you and your having a great season. By the way his other hero was Jim Connor. Jim is a great bloke who spent time kicking a ball with him when the lads were training down on Moss farm in the Mike Mackenzie s days. Jim is also a very shrewd card player as well as a class football player so poker is out when "big Jim" is around!!

When Pritch scored on Saturday and began his celebration, I thought he was going to carry on running towards Stockport and that nobody would catch him!

Pritch uncatchable? <br>WHS.

I tell you what though, in the age of people like CAshley Cole releasing autobiographies just to make a few quid, i reckon Pritch’s would make interesting reading!! I know i’d buy a copy!!

I think we can honestly say that it would be a bestseller.