Quit with the bad language and unsavoury comments

I’m sick to death of having to delete the absolute utter crap that is being posted on here lately.<br><br>I don’t know who it is, I can only imagine they are bitter people in some way connected to those players who have left but trying to stir up trouble on this website is pointless.<br><br>The site is being constantly monitored and any posts using bad language or slagging people off [u]WILL BE[/u] removed. ?I have better things to do with my time than monitor childish pathetic remarks aimed at people at the club.<br><br>Drop the issue. ?Now.<br><br>End of.<br><br>Edited to add : consequently, new members will now have to use a REAL e-mail address to register, and they will be sent a random password.<br><br>If this continues, all guest posting will have to stop.

Ok<br><br>One moron posting at 5:05pm has ruined it for the rest.<br><br>It is now members only who can post on this forum.<br><br>If you have problems logging in (as I know some genuine members do) please e-mail me and I’ll try to sort it out for you. ddebski_us@hotmail.com<br><br>And Mike T - can you have a look at the admin set-up to see why new members don’t seem to get sent an e-mail with a random password - something to do with the sendmail set-up I think.<br><br>Sorry folks.

well done Debbie, about time common sense has prevailed.


One moron posting at 5:05pm has ruined it for the rest.

It is now members only who can post on this forum.

If you have problems logging in (as I know some genuine members do) please e-mail me and I’ll try to sort it out for you. ddebski_us@hotmail.com

And Mike T - can you have a look at the admin set-up to see why new members don’t seem to get sent an e-mail with a random password - something to do with the sendmail set-up I think.

Sorry folks.[/quote]<br><br><br>Job done. <br><br>There have been a large number of ‘stirring’ posts on here recently, posted by a very small number of people posing as different users. It is sad that we have had to make this forum members only due to the pathetic antics of these unsavoury individuals. I am certain that none of them are Wittoners.<br><br>It has always been my opinion that users should not, if at all possible, be banned, but I am in full agreement with Stu. Mellor’s time on here should be over, let him wallow in his own cess pit of a mind alone.

Stu, IPv6? Sounds like Cisco marketing exercise to me.

Debbie, <br><br>Please ban Stu for talking about work on the Witton Website. [smiley=cheezy.gif]I visit this forum to escape it and to be fair since the start of the season there hasn’t been a dull moment.<br><br>Simon

Agree about the censorship required, but I’m sure the site will be the loser.Some of the more provocative comments including some of Mr Mellors, cause the most reaction because there is quite often serious issues behind them which get ignored behind the debate over games.

Well done Debbie, there is no problem with people posting on this site as a member. If someone has an opinion then by all means express it, but then everyone should be accountable for what they say, <br><br><br>anyway everyone lighten up a bit.<br><br> ;D ;D ;D

[quote]Agree about the censorship required, but I’m sure the site will be the loser.Some of the more provocative comments including some of Mr Mellors, cause the most reaction because there is quite often serious issues behind them which get ignored behind the debate over games.[/quote]<br><br>Agree with the comments of Chad. Some of Peter Mellor’s comments did cause reaction due to the provocative nature. Other comments about Witton losing and Vics still in the F A Cup / Trophy should have been ignored / allowed to pass over our heads.<br><br>IMO…this action of banning Peter Mellor has handed him a Vics win over Albion fans.<br>We have shown that we couldn’t take his banter…we weren’t big enough to laugh him off or to counter argue his topics / rants.<br><br>By all means ban posters using vile, abusive and insulting posts. IMO Peter Mellor never used that language. Like Chad I feel the site will be the loser, especially as Albion climb the table.<br> <br><br>

Erm - I haven’t banned Peter Mellor.<br><br>So everyone has the chance to rise above it.

Can I just re-iterate - new members have to provide a genuine e-mail address so that a password can be e-mailled to them so they can login.<br><br>Fake/made-ups ones will not enable you to register.<br><br>Any problems, e-mail me at ddebski_us@hotmail.com

I haven’t deleted anything for at least a week.<br><br>I’m not the only moderator on this board.

Just to say again that when registering a REAL e-mail address that has actually been set-up and is working is required for you to register on the site now.<br><br>Any made up ones will not be accepted.