Race Night Friday 15th October

We will be holding a “Race Night” on Friday 15th October, ALL proceeds going to the Dev Fund, The venue will be the RAFA Wings Club on Station Road in Northwich, If anyone would like to be a Race Sponsor for £10,Owner or Jockey for £2.50 each please post or contact us at any home game, We also need Tote Ticket Sales people on the night so anyone able to help out will be much appreciated,and lastly "Bottles as Prizes to give out for Sponsors,this is a great night out and a great way of fund raising for your club, :slight_smile:

£20 from me, JP esq.

I will donate something or put up some cash but it will have to wait until I get back from holiday on the 11th September, I will then know how much my wife has spent while we are away!!

You could be a jockey WHS ?

I wolud definitely be the “top weight”!!

Now that’s a nice for a horse, “Wolud” !

I’m noo god at tipying.

Just a gentle reminder that Jim Powell has organised this event for this Friday with all proceeds going to YOUR football club. We could do with your support as ever!

Its on at the RAFA Wings Club this Friday if you can attend its free to get in, come for an hour, come for the night - you may even win a few quid!

what time does it start tonight?

As soon as you get there.

Well done to Jim Powell (again!) for an excellent job in organising and running the race night on Friday, those who were there had a good night and the Development Fund/Club benefitted as a result.

Thanks to Robbo, Derek, Ann Marie and Jo for selling the tickets.

Well done to Bulmer on selling the tricast and then winning £75.00 on the last race.

Thanks to everyone who supported the event by buying horses, donating prizes, sponsoring races or attending, with a special mention to Lee and Em from Sheffield who came across last night just to support the event!


Yeah, cheers Rob :wink: