Radcliffe Borough v Witton Albion

Latest Score: RADCLIFFE BOROUGH 1 WITTON 2<br><br>Mike Moseley (2).

Radciffe 1 Witton 3<br>Unibond Website final score

Good game - played well - awful weather and some equally awful misses by us!<br><br>Good goals too.<br><br>They had number 10 sent off for two bookable offences. Could have been 6-1 though with the chances we missed.<br><br>Thought Liam M and Ste C had brill games.<br><br>Bring on Telford.

Thanks for the updates - great result.<br><br>Wot! No postings from Mellor, V**ster and all the other creeps?

Excellent result, well worth staying up for.<br> [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif]

Good performance - nice to see the enjoyment returning for the players.<br><br>RBFC Sponsors MOM was Mike Moseley. Could have gone to a number of players to be honest. Pleased for Jim Vince - good to get his first win. And the players responded well.<br><br>GE<br>

Don’t get too carried away chaps, thats 5 out of the bottom 6 you’ve played now and only 3 from the top 10.

Scumster, is it not past your bedtime?<br><br>You really must get over your compulsion regarding Witton, you know. <br><br>I mean, to study the league table and our results just to try to p1ss us off - what a sad individual you are.<br><br>Come on … off to bed now.

boy did we need that!

Unibond website says that jones scored the third was it ben or griff?

Ben Jones (not Griff Jones or Mark Jones!!)<br><br>GE<br>

Thanx G E forgot about mark jones though, sorry mark.

Well done everyone,it certainly brightened a miserable night in miserable Radcliffe.<br>Considering all our goals were scored from close in there were some cracking long distance efforts.<br>Those Boro lunatics specialise in dangerous challenges.<br>It’s not surprising someone got sent off, but arguably for the wrong offence!<br>Congratulations to Jim Vince, let’s hope it’s the first of many!!

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>great result, what was the team ?

Kennedy, King, Latham (Mark Jones), Pritchard, Spearritt, McGuire, Connors, Peers, Moseley (Hurst), Ben Jones (Griff Jones), Lee.<br><br>GE<br>

[quote]Thanks for the updates - great result.

Wot! No postings from Mellor, V**ster and all the other creeps?[/quote]<br><br>Comments, what comments?<br><br>3-1 win over the MIGHTY Radcliffe Borough!!!<br><br>How exciting is that…WOW ::)<br>

cj …it dos,nt matter what team is out playing…you still slag the lads out there…or by saying we need new players in some positions, which gives the lads who are playing BAGS of confidence…( I THINK NOT ) [smiley=ranting.gif]

geast, what planet do you live on ? my current view is that everyone we have is good enough to be in the 1st squad ? and having seen the reserves numerous times there a quite a few given time that can make the grade with the first team, when I talk about needing new players im talking about bringing in lads who can really star in the first team and push us to promotion, and ill think youl find we have recently signed 3-4 players to do just that, and promoted 2-3 reserves which I also agree with, but im only a suppporter and this is a discussion forum for views, I try not to slag players of but i might express an opinion that id rather see a certain player in a position than another, but thats an opinion meant to bring out others views on the forum, I dont shout down players at matches I support them all. my last post was congratulating the team on the win ? so why your post, maybe your a bit to close to the team and taking my comments to personally because your response seems irrational to me >:(

well said… lets start to support the club and get behind all the teams that represent witton

Just won 3-1 away & people are still moaning.