Radcliffe v. Witton

Half Time score<br><br>Radcliffe 0 Witton 1<br><br>Mike Moseley

Latest Score<br><br>Radcliffe 1 Witton 1

Final Score<br><br>Radcliffe 1 Witton 1

Decent point.

Just got back, another 2 points thrown away!! when will we learn!! Radcliffe are a poor bottom half team, we were marginally better – I keep saying WE ARE GOING NOWHERE WITH THIS TEAM, the mid-table scrap is as good as it gets. TIME FOR CHANGES before it is too late.

Team:<br>Gibbo, Marvin, Gaz, Barlow, Nolo, Yates, Dicken, Foy, Baker, Moseley, Burton.<br>subs:<br>Hughes for Baker<br>Bird for Burton<br>Madin for Yates<br><br>An excellent first half display saw Albion take the game to Radcliffe and take the lead when MM cooly slotted home after a mistake in the defence gifted him a 1 on 1 with the keeper.<br>Other efforts including ?a free kick from Yates, long range efforts from Dicken and a curling shot by Burton which came back off the post signalled Albion’s intent.<br>1-0 at half time.<br><br>Then the 2nd half happned - or rather didn’t.<br>Radcliffe equalised after turning a defender and placing the ball in the far corner beyond Gibbo’s reach. ?We then sat back so deep its wrong. ?god knows what we were trying to do.<br>Baker (that creative man who I thought had another decent game was withdrawn for a centre half) ?Barlow did shift to midfield but it was, I suspect, a defensive move with a decent amount of the match left to play. ?<br><br>We dropped even deeper. ?<br><br>(Shouts were heard for Gibbo to get out the stand as he seemed so far away)<br>Radcliffe continued to press and found more space than any team should be allowed in one half given the 10 men we had defending the 1-1 draw. ?<br><br>Long balls were launched which came straight back, so we dropped deeper. ?<br><br>Thank god Gibbo proved to be "super gibbo" and keep us in the game as we played out the last 30mins on the edge of our own 18 yard line. ?Our attatckers were in our own half and even dicko seemed to be right in our corner.<br>I may be going a little over the top there overall but I can’t believe that a team which appeared there for the taking at half time were seemingly invited back into the game. ?I shouldn’t probably be too quick to judge Radcliffe who probably improved on their 1st half showing but we didn’t appear interested in winning it - that was certainly how it appeared to everyone behind the goal anyway and was reflected in their interest in the game.<br><br>We did have a couple of half chances by namely another mistake which let in Moseley but unfortunatley his touch let him down this time. ?At that stage I was glad we didn’t need that goal to get us a point.<br><br>On balance of the 2 halves 1-1 ?was probably a fair result, but sadly the optimism everyone had at half time was well and truely killed by 9.30.<br>

A point is a point, keeps all you JD fans happy. Negative manager who seems to be more concerned about not conceeding than winning the game.<br><br>Didn’t go, but Burton, Nolan in the side enough said.

Was a fair result we battered them 1st half and they returned the compliment second half.<br><br>A point at Radcliffe is far better than most seasons, the real problem isnt a point here or at Marine but the defeat at Frickley.<br><br>Cant quite believe that after every game people are calling for changes!!!<br><br>All the succesful teams have managers that have been given time to develop a team. Fergie,Gradi etc.<br><br>JDs been in the job just over a year!!!<br><br>It would be great to actually hear supporters SUPPORTING the team.<br><br>

Fingers crossed that Pritch isn’t too bad, and agree with Andy (thats twice now! bloody hell) making a big effort myself to get behind the lads and encourage them, was really p****d off when we played last at home Ryan Bakers first touch in his home debut and he gave the ball away some idiot (surname starts with a C and ends in ooper) started shouting what a clown he was! I ask you.

This is for JAC<br>Please be aware that the person you are calling an idiot, is at present in hospital and is as good a wittoner as you can get

Six months too long!<br><br>What are all the mebers of the Danny Salt Fan Club going to do? Wished he had stayed and we had got rid of Nolan and Burton.

Not Si Burtons biggest fan but have to say he was outstanding last nite.<br><br>Along with Gibbo,Molyneux and Moseleys performances there were a number of positives to come out of last nights game.<br><br>Dicko played well- you can tell by the way hes not being sl**ged on the website.<br>

A game of 2 halfs in my opinion. Destroyed them first half and they commanded the second. We do seem to go defensive in the last 20 minutes of matches. Was dissapointed to see Ryan Baker taken off, hope Pritch is back Saturday, that’ll allow Andy Barlow to move back into midfield which i believe will give Baker more freedom and will cause the opposition more problems. He seems to be the playmaker we’ve been crying out for. Thought Burton played really well especially first half. Roll on Saturday

Thought Burton was a striker, for a striker to be outstanding surely he has to score goals! Has he scored this season?

spoken like a true w****r Anstey!!! how often has Burton played? has just broke into the team this season surely we can give him a few more games? dont see anyone else calling for him to be dropped, do you? ???

I can understand the frustration (believe me ?- ?I am frustrated by the simple fact that Dicko is still here - yes he had a good game last night but that doesn’t mean I’m forgiven him to sing his praises - he’s got a lot of making up to do) and I was seething last night having seen yet another 30 mins solid defence, but it is all we can do to support the team - that is why we are here and it does no-one any good not to support them.<br><br>If you haven’t been to the game, you can’t comment on how Burton played. ?You don’t know. ?He played well - hit the post and was extremely unlucky with the rebound. ?<br><br>The other thing that is puzzling me however is why we take Baker off. ?We paid cash for this guy, and yet we’ve only let him complete one game. ?I don’t believe he’s not match fit, so why is he sacrificed? ?It’s not as if he’s a liability that the defence need to keep an eye on. ?Odd.<br><br>Must win game on Saturday - we musn’t defend a 1-0 lead against near bottom at home. ?

Message to Len, if if had been the same person I had been talking about I wouldn’t take the statement back as the sentiment would stand but it’s not it’s his brother