Re: Gateshead have gone bust!

Big shame for Gateshead if it’s come to this…<br><br>I would imagine it will be too late (with fixtures published etc) to arrange a replacement and that we may run with one team less in the league this year.

Not happy that postings of this ilk are on our site. Please when stating information re other clubs ensure you have got it right.<br><br>I’m posting what’s on the and the sites just to redress this issue.<br><br>Upon our webmaster’s return all this thread will be removed.<br><br>NONLEAGUEDAILY.COM<br><br>"Crisis Premier Division club Gateshead have advised the UniBond League that chairman Mark Harland and secretary Phil Chambers have stood down and that all communications should be made to manager Derek Bell. <br><br>The league has had a conversation with Bell who advises that he has a series of meetings over the next few days to endeavour in obtaining financial support to honour the Gateshead fixtures for the forthcoming season. <br><br>The UniBond League plans to send a member of its management committee to discuss the situation with regards to Gateshead having the resources to start the season and continue for the full season. <br><br>The league has informed Bell (pictured) that they will do whatever they can to support Gateshead in their quest to continue operating." <br><br><br>AND FROM THE UNIBOND LEAGUE OFFICIAL SITE:-<br><br>"Gateshead<br><br>Gateshead Football Club have advised the League that Chairman Mark Harland and Secretary Phil Chambers have stood down and that all communications should be made to Derek Bell, Manager. The League has had a conversation with Derek who advises that he has a series of meetings over the next few days to endeavour in obtaining financial support to honour the Gateshead fixtures for the forthcoming season. The UniBond League plans to send a member of the League Management Committee to discuss the situation with regards to Gateshead having the resources to start the season and continue for the full season. The League has informed Derek that they will do whatever they can to support Gateshead in their quest to continue operating.<br><br>Any further official information will be posted on the website as soon as it has anything to report."<br><br><br>

Why remove it? this is not an official statement this is a fans forum to chat, gossip, talk about rumours, wind up etc… next thing you will be suspending the thing like some other club did. We wish Gateshead all the best in their plight just as we did with runcorn a couple of years ago when it was posted that they had gone bust, no overreaction then.

Well, It is all over their message board and most clubs in our league and the surronding. They said they had gone bust and that their website hadn’t been updated. The unibond website isn’t regularly updated in the off-season so I presumed it correct.

cmon CHAD, thats goin a bit far isnt it?<br><br>nobody was happy about gatesheads problems but were just interested and concerned about the situation- totaly agree wiv jac on this<br><br>we need more banter on this forum in my opinion- matchday prog. was just telling us what he had heard which is fair enough, he even came on and corrected the situation when he learnt more about it- no harm done at all<br><br>if people do believe everything they read on a fans forum n take everything to heart then thats just more fool them

No need to remove this thread as the details have now been released on Gateheads Offical Website see below.<br><br>It’s not sounding good for them - estimates are they have to find ?40,000 before the start of the season.<br><br>Good Luck to Derek Bell and Gateshead FC.<br><br>[url][/url]