Re: PayPal Donations

Brilliant idea Stu Well Done!

Great work, just hope the paypal account is safer now than it was when I had one.<br>WHS.

Just a few words before christmas for a few donations I know Christmas is always a little tight but lets dig deep. I want to be able to make the first payment to chad at the Rushen game so you have just until the beginning of Jan so I can get the first payment transfered in time. Many thanks to all you true witton supporters who are helping to make this season one to remember! <br><br> As Noddy once said… MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!

Stu you are quite right, but the sites claiming to be Paypal are incredibly accurate.<br>WHS.

Stu<br><br>As you’re very up on these matters do you think you could maybe mock up some kind of tutorial for those who arent as used to to using the internet to pay for things etc?<br>The links are great - I used them the other day but could be a bit daunting for someone who doesn’t use them as often?<br>(don’t want any excuses do we?)

We have seen what this squad has achieved this season, football for me is as much about entertainment and camaraderie as it is about success.

We need a final push in the fundraising department to ensure the budget is achieved. If you can and want to contribute in any way then either use the link or see me, Len or Jim P at the game.


Still donating ?3 for a win, even when we lose!!! (Which isn’t often)

Come on guys lets do the team proud, I know a lot of you that come on here already donate cash on match days but there are plenty that don’t so come on do you bit, thousands of pounds have already been given by the loyal few, every penny counts, a pound a goal? or if you don’t want to remortgage then a tenner will do

If anyone has subscribed to Paypal, please let me know as our fund committee have not yet received any and we really need every ? we can can get now
The end of the season is too late for us to maintain this squad ???

Len there is ?150 on its way tonight and we need another ?6 donation to take us over the ?50 to allow another transfer without incuring charges

Should be sorted for that now Graham :slight_smile: