Re: Peter Mellor

Don’t agree with what he says, but also don’t agree with banning him. <br><br>It’s a free country, let him say what he likes, as long as he does not foul language.<br><br>Just suggest we don’t reply to his inane postings.<br><br>Let V**s be the ones associated with banning people, not us!

Think you’ll find the last topic was locked because of the foul language and insults being banded around - there is no need.<br><br>And I mean the Witton Albion fan guest too - if it continues in such a childish manner then the forum may have to be become member only.

[quote]Think you’ll find the last topic was locked because of the foul language and insults being banded around - there is no need.

And I mean the Witton Albion fan guest too - if it continues in such a childish manner then the forum may have to be become member only.[/quote]<br>Debbie, it’s your prerogative to lock a thread, ban users, make it member-only, or impose any other restriction you want, for foul language or any other reason. You have the superuser password, not me. <br><br>But I will say the following…<br><br>If a Northwich fan comes on here and either indulges in light-hearted banter or even (heaven forbid) seriously wants to discuss the state of football at Witton (it has been known) or Northwich, then I’m all for it. That’s what the bulletin board is about.<br><br>If a Northwich fan comes on here deliberately to irritate other users, with no other purpose than to be annoying, no other purpose than to spread discontent amongst Witton fans (that’s Isherwood’s purpose with his many aliases - and let’s remember this is a guy in his 40s with children - I know him from way back), then you should show no mercy.<br><br>If Witton fans are acting in the same stupid manner on Northwich’s bulletin board as Mellor claims then I would expect their administrator to act in the same way - either ban the users or remove their postings.<br><br>You are doing a great job at Witton Albion football club Debbie, and I acknowledge that you are freely giving your time to running this board and web site, but in this case, by not banning Mellor, but not removing Isherwood’s posts (and those of the same ilk - they’re not very difficult to spot), you are going to make the wrong decision. Are we to have another season-long series of these irritating postings from them? Yes, of course, banning the username ‘PeterMellor’ would just cause him to reappear as someone else, but he’d get bored eventually and go away when you removed his next username as well. Eventually he’d just go back to watching those Northwich forwards poaching (oops, sorry Peter) a few goals.<br><br>The argument that says "don’t reply to him and he’ll get bored and go away" just does not apply. Someone will always reply to posts that are such an irritation. That’s the nature of human beings.<br><br>So, we await the next Mellor-fest, potentially tomorrow night. Let’s hope we win, which might put him off posting.<br>

To be fair Mellor. Don’t remember the last time any of the Witton fans you mentioned went on the Vics Board and gave out childish personal abuse like you have. <br><br>On there it’s just banter. So either grow up or leave.

I don’t remember when any of us used abusive comments on their board either. I’m sure we could if this fella wants us to start but…

Mr Mellor, I think you’ll find that I post on your site to defend Witton Albion FC when boring, abusive, retarded attacks are aimed at us by numpty’s such as EmeraldTw*t (The said Mr Isherwood by any chance) and his cohorts.<br><br>I’ve changed my mind - you should be banned!!! ;D