Re: Witton 0 - 2 Whitby

Clear goal disallowed by a linesman who missed their right back stood 10 yards behind the rest of the defence & a handball from an Adam Foy shot. Very good first goal when it came. >:(

Terrible conditions,dreadful game and awful gate. Playoff chances now completely dead, nothing to play for except presidents cup. Fat lot of good the family gate did to improve out attendances!

Played against a Dodgy Ref Linesman and the Wind >:(

Really constructive comment. Always a good opportunity to moan on here, isn’t there? Sounds like someone bitter at V**s conceding a last minute equaliser!<br><br>It will be hard to judge the family gate based on a genuinely horrible day weather-wise. We stayed at home because it was very wet and very cold and very windy-sure we weren’t the only ones…

[quote]Terrible conditions,dreadful game and awful gate. Playoff chances now completely dead, nothing to play for except presidents cup. Fat lot of good the family gate did to improve out attendances![/quote]<br>Think your first two words tell us the reason for the dreadful game. Given the conditions the gate was reasonable and your last sentence is totally uncalled for. I think the play off chances disappeared a while ago.<br>At the start of the season I’d have been happy with an upper middle table finish. If we can manage that and with a side that attacks sometimes then we have something to build on.

Play off chances gone - I said that after the Prescot game. <br><br>Very rare (I think) I come on here and directly blame officials but yesterday I thought they seemingly got all major decisions wrong which rather turned the game in their favour.<br>That goal in the 1st half, that handball appeal, then it seems from other sources their 1st goal was also a mile offside. Not a lot you can do when all that goes against you.<br><br>Yeh the conditions were dreadful, pitch poor (well done for standing up so much at the Lostock end lads), and a lot fo regular faces missing I’d expect due to the conditions. It is an excuse but not a bad one at that! Have to admit I expected more from Whitby too (maybe they thought it’d be off)<br><br>Up to now I’d say the 3 visits of Workington, Whitby and Farsley have failed to collectivley bring half the ammount of travelling support we had at Ossett last week or about level to that we had at Spennymoor earlier in the season.

Peter (Dave?). Perhaps satisfied would have been a better word than happy, however my reasoning stands up. Witton were placed in a division consisting of half a dozen teams that finished above them last season (estimate, not looked up the actual figures), and around a dozen that played in a higher division last season. So if we take it that all teams would maintain their level, Albion would be expected to finish approximately 15th to 20th. So anything higher than this could be seen as an improvement. Personally I wouldn’t be very happy with a final league position in this range, but to finish in an upper mid table (not mid table, as you have attempted to imply I said) would show, on paper, an improvement.<br>I speak without any first hand knowledge of how the team have played or what the opposition have been like - I have yet to see a game this seaon as I live on a different continent. Nevertheless I continue to support the club financially, and will do through thick and thin. I trust you do the same.<br>Do yourself a favour. Try listening to ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ a few times. Lighten up. You come across on here in a very bad light. You have made some valid points in amongst what I would consider some severely flawed arguments, but the manner in which you express yourself needs to change significantly if you are to stop rubbing people up the wrong way. Please try to be constructive.

Once again Mr Mellor you have your facts totally wrong as usual, in fact once again you are talk absolute rubbish.<br><br>The Board have invested in the football team, the highest wage bill in 6 years at the Club, I would agree that results are very disappointing. The Club paid in excess on ?2500 for a player, who is currently sitting on the bench, again backing the manager. The Club made a substatial bid for another centre forward, which was turned down.<br><br>But perhaps your most idiotic comment of all concerns my comments in the newspaper this week. <br><br>Let me make it quite clear as you are obviously not very bright, by utilising our facilities off the field, it will generate considerably more money to be made available to the football team - common sense or what?<br><br>The more business we generate off the field means more money available to improve the team and facilities.<br><br>Given that you tell us you are a businessman with a knowledge of company finance, I find some of your comments in keeping with someone who is not very bright.<br><br>And finally the Directors can only invest in football matters when we have the funds available none of us are wealthy with bottomless pockets.<br><br>Things may get worse, but if there are people out there willing to come in and invest and run the Club we would for the sake of Witton welcome them.

Apologies for the delay in updating the website last night; Wanadoo broke down nationwide. Damn ISPs.<br><br>Not a great day all round really. Totally did not deserve that result though. We were indeed robbed.<br><br>How that could have been offside when it came from a Whitby player I do not know. Sometimes I wonder whether even with my limited knowledge of the finer rules in football (like having to be 10 yards away from a corner taker - I did not know that!!) I think I could do a better job!<br><br>Thought Gaz Evans had a great game yesterday and JK looked better too. <br><br>Ho hum. Off to Blyth again then.

Amazing how last weeks win didn’t provoke a single comment off certain people, awful conditions which made the game a lottery when did you last see a goalkeeper have to save his own goal kick???

Having spent about 90 minutes on the pitch prior to kick off I got the impression it would end up being a lottery - kick with the wind 1st half, get something to defend and away you go. (Prescot last year anyone?)<br><br>As it was we did but it was disallowed, Yates probably should have buried that header too. To our credit I thought we also created more than they did against the wind too. Thats football I guess - we never should have beaten Matlock at home so…


Up to now I’d say the 3 visits of Workington, Whitby and Farsley have failed to collectivley bring half the ammount of travelling support we had at Ossett last week or about level to that we had at Spennymoor earlier in the season.[/quote]<br><br>Ossett v Witton attendance 106 (60 below their average), you must have took at lot there then ;D ;D

Around 35 Mr attendee.

Well I was there and counted them!<br>My eyes certainly arent that bad. ::slight_smile:

[quote]Amazing how last weeks win didn’t provoke a single comment off certain people[/quote]<br>I was waiting for his reaction last week as well and strangely enough it didn’t come. Maybe we were perceived as being a bit more ambitious last week. Maybe the "ambition coefficent" gets updated on a weekly basis, depending on the result.<br><br>One of his new staggering insights is that if Witton play appalling football (not "middling" or "mediocre", mind you, "appalling" - there are no shades of grey in this gentleman’s vocabulary), the crowd will stay away. He’s trying to make us aware of a correlation between how good the football is and how many people will come and watch, just in case we weren’t aware of that relationship. We certainly are now, eh Peter?<br><br>In fact, apart from a complaint about the car park and something about not being able to see the entire pitch from the stand, he’s said nothing, and continues to say nothing. Paragraph after paragraph of empty repetition. When you’ve heard nothing repeated enough times it begins to grate. Woolly stuff about lack of ambition is nothing. Instead of saying Witton lack ambition, I wish he’d say something like "Witton do not want to win the Unibond Premier League and go into the Conference North." But he won’t say that, because it’s too concrete. No, better to be woolly, and say something that’s vague enough to be interpreted in many ways.<br><br>He wants Witton to win the league (or does he?) and he wants them to win it now. Then he’ll have somewhere to go when Northwich aren’t playing at home and Lancashire don’t have a match. Next year will not do. Not for him the slow climb back to respectability.<br>

I fully concur with Mr Mellor, witton are going nowhere fast,gates are falling rapidly,team is falling down the league and likely to finish in the bottom half and income is falling and will contine to fall rapidly when Vics leave WP. As for witton playing in a league with 18 teams that finished above them last year – NONSENSE, only around 7 teams from last years unibond prem failed to make the Conf North,the others were from the unibond 1 so by my reckoning around 14 teams finished above witton last year who are currently in the Unibond prem. As for the social club/business plans, unfortunately for you the facilites at the VS are going to 10 times as good as WP’s and to be frank the WP social club isn’t particularly desireable for private functions. Another dead duck I’m afraid – PM is correct no ambition,no hope and no direction.

Of course you concur with Mr Mellor. A vics fan pretending to be a Wittoner probably agreeing with yourself. Is he suppose to be the ex-Wittoner from the 60’s or not?

[quote] As for witton playing in a league with 18 teams that finished above them last year – NONSENSE, only around 7 teams from last years unibond prem failed to make the Conf North,the others were from the unibond 1 so by my reckoning around 14 teams finished above witton last year who are currently in the Unibond prem. ? [/quote]<br><br>Where was the figure of 18 teams stated? You seem to be coming up with a figure yourself then calling it nonsense! Not just nonsense, but NONSENSE!<br>I assume you’ve a better idea of the actual figures, as I made quite clear that I was estimating. Not a bad estimate, as the range I gave includes 15th place, which would be the expected finishing position if you are more accurate with your estimate that around 14 teams finished above us last year.<br><br>I find it faintly amusing that people come on here, misquote (I assume deliberately), then try to ridicule something that only they have written. Do they really expect no-one to notice this?

<br>What an absolute Shocker from my man Mike, so dissapointed in his performance the other day.<br><br>I wasn’t going to say anything but felt I had to.<br><br>I feel the off field stuff is going to his head and must concentrate on his performance rather than moving clubs.<br><br>Come On Mike sort it Out NOW !!!

I thought mike was ok, in fact I thought the team did ok in the conditions, of course it was difficult to play in for both teams the major difference was that whitby did shoot with the wind which we didnt ? but we rarely shoot from midfield hence the lack of goals from that position, was hoping to see more of lee spike than he got ? 0-0 at half time with the wind was always going to be very tough and so it proved. im sure we will get better keep the faith.