Reserves win cup

The reserves won their cup match 5-3 on penalties after drawing 0-0 after extra time.<br><br>Well done all.

Well Done to all the reserves squad and management team on their achievement.<br><br>Unable to be there personally this evening due to a stupid bint from Leftwich deciding to use my side of the road when I was on the way to the match.<br><br>Nevertheless I got the penalty shoot-out live via Pete Riley’s mobile and heard that Kevin Whitehead pulled off a great save to stop Malpas’s first penalty shoot-out taker, Danny McNamara calmly slotted home Albion’s 5th.<br><br>Good luck on Thursday against Nantwich at Wincham Park ko 7pm for their final MCL fixture.

You never missed much. As one of the 2 goalnets at the game i was rarely ever in danger from being used, untill the pens! Awful game, right result. And apart from Big Kev not one player looks like they could make it and step up into the first team. That sounnds harsh and negative but its not, its the reality.

what a boring match thought i was going to doze off!! witton never looked like scoring, outplayed at times by a pub team !! the futures bright, the future wasn’t on that pitch last night, one or two shouldn’t even be playin at any level, someone is havin a laugh.<br><br> [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif]

What a load of sh*te! [smiley=ranting.gif]<br>I admit that the game was poor but the statement that none of the reserves could move up to first team is an awful statement! 2 or 3 players in the reserves could do a better job in the first team than some of the first team players for a start! Shaun O’Rouke for one should play as a regular in the first team without a shadow of a doubt! What an idiot to write such a statement I think you need to have another look at both teams before you regard the first team as a World XI compared to the reserves! [smiley=ranting.gif]

The fact he won’t admit who he is says a lot. ?:-[<br><br>CONGRATULATIONS ANYWAYS

Mightn’t use my name but still use my e mail address. Feel free to contact me on it. When did i state the first team as a bunch of world beaters? There is now 5 divisions between Unibond Premier and Mid Cheshire 2. The reserves have not exactly flourished in the MC2 have they? Mr O’Rourke granted is a good player but at 24/25 years of age should he have not by now have played at a higher standard of football than he currently is? Like i said it was an awful game last night but the right result, but i will stand by the statement that apart from big Kev Whitehead Junior it does appear that there is no one capable of stepping up and into the first team. This is not being negative it is a fact and it is not based on watching 1 match either. I hope i am proved wrong but the cull needs to begin now for the good and future of this football club as the reserves needs to be a springboard for the first team. If i am wrong fine but look back over the season and tell me how many reserve players have played in the first team and how many games? There is a seperate issue as well that needs to be addressed also about first team players who are not picked to play dropping down into the reserves. In fact how often has that happened as well this season first team playing for the reserves? That needs to be fully addressed next season. Over to you AntR

What position does Shaun play? (i.e - who would he be replacing in the first team?)<br><br>(And just a question before anyone slates me!)

debbie!<br><br>Shaun is mainly a defensive midfielder, but has slotted into our back 3 this year. He’s done an exellent job and proved to all that he’s a class act!<br>He was meant to make his 1st team debut against congleton but was injured.<br>He’s well ready for the 1st team. In my opinion anyway!<br><br>regards Muzza<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Friendlies should see a few of the lads come through like Shaun, Adam Clarke and Christe Ford. That will be our chance to see them hopefully and see what they can do.

Adam Clarke is he a reserve player or U18’s is he any good?

So he’d be taking up Andy Barlow’s position then?

I doubt that would happen. Andy Barlow has been superb in that position and the other centre midfield position would need to be more attack minded I feel. Like Alex Kevan put with a better brain and someone who can pass the ball quickly and to good effect. If he played left midfield then he may stand a chance with us no having a recognised winger there.

Shaun is a better centre half than a midfielder and is now one of our main defenders, come and watch him tonight, he uses the ball well and is dominant in the air, not to mention a solid tackler. <br> To answer your left wing problem Jonny Edwards is the fastest player i’ve seen in my life not to mention a cracking player. <br> come and have a watch tonight. KO 6:30pm at wincham it’s free to get in.<br><br>Regards Muzza

[quote]Mr O’Rourke granted is a good player but at 24/25 years of age should he have not by now have played at a higher standard of football than he currently is? [/quote]<br><br>I think that Sean O’Rourke deserves a go in the 1st team, to say that he should of played at a higher level is pretty daft though. At the end of the day it’s all about getting a chance and then taking the chance when it’s given to you. I think your comments would be fair enough had "Mr O’Rourke" and other’s from the Reserves been given a chance in the 1st team and give them a few games before making and judgment.<br><br>I’d also like to see Ford given a crack as well, been playing really well and deserves a couple of outtings.

totally agree!! Shauno and a few others are really good and have a lot talent to offer.<br> playing with them week in week out you can see the players that can hack it! <br> shauno is the one though who could move up now and i don’t think any of the lads would disagree with me on that.<br> Christie Forde is quality and scores goals, but you can’t single anyone out as everyone in the team brings a different talent and quality to the squad and now we have all bonded together i think we will be an exellent side next season.<br><br>Muz<br><br>like i said have a look tonight!

I’ll still be at university unfortunately but make sure you come on and lets us know how you did!! ;D