Resignation of Reserve Team Manager

I have been asked to post this from Steve Hardy<br><br>Resignation of Reserve Manager Steve Hardy<br><br>I would like to take the opportunity of thanking the following backroom team for their support and tireless work behind the scenes during last season; including Damo (?I told you he wouldn?t last 90 minutes?);<br> Len (?I have retired from the secretary role - but carries on doing it anyway?) <br>and Chad (?I only send the report to the paper when we win? ) which to be fair, was most of the time!<br><br>A special thanks must go to Simon Hughes who, despite being older than Teddy Sheringham, gave his time, knowledge and experience to help develop the Reserve players, whilst still performing to a high standard himself. Simon has been a great player and ambassador to Witton and his desire to give something back to the young players is much appreciated.<br><br>Of course, I would like to thank the players for their commitment, enthusiasm, team sprit and determination to do well for Witton. This combination resulted in a successful season for the team and opportunities to play first team football for a number of individual players. Well done lads!<br><br>I would also like to thank the small but dedicated set of fans, who came to support us. Their vocal support was always appreciated and none more so than that of Mr Cartner, whose sideline opinions and views on referees provided great entertainment throughout the season, combined with the strained look of pressure etched on the face of Jim Walker! <br><br>I will still be around the club to support Jim and the players and I know Jim and his support team are working very hard to ensure we have the right players to make next season a great one. <br><br>Good luck to the new Reserve Management Team! <br><br>Steve<br><br>

Steve,<br><br>it has been a pleasure to watch the reserves this season, it would have been easy for them to fall away when Jim got his deserved promotion, but they responded to you and your coaching, hopefully the reserves will go from strength to strength and some players will surely go on to better things whether that be at Witton or elsewhere.<br>Hopefully i will see you pre season , take care.<br>Jim Walker

If u watch the reserves dring the new season i am sure that you will notice a sudden increase in all areas of the players games. I put this down to the ‘maybe’ new manager who’s name i disclose. He is a very experienced man who knows what he is doing and i am sure that you will all be happy to see him back at the club. Yet again i disclose his name until further notice :wink: