Ross Clegg

Dare I say it that at the moment, and with the current set up, and style of play that Jim is opting for, Adam could be surplus to requirements. Squad player yes, first team player no.

Don’t get me wrong I have enjoyed watching Adam play, as his fitness levels for a player at this level are second to none. I am not the one to show Adam the door, and if he is satisfied with his current status at the club then lets hope he sets his own personal challenge to break into the first team more regularly.

nice 1 cheers for that macca nice to know what other wittoners feel about the squad

Adam Foy is in my opinion more than capable of holding his own in our team, always gives 100% and has had a terrible run with injuries etc.

It wasn’t that long ago that Conference clubs were sniffing round him.

Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole Adam Foy, Foy, Foy!!!

Adam is one of the few players I have seen over the years who has,inspite of his slight build, been totally unfazed against big opponents .He has always given his best on the pitch.It’s a pity he had such a nasty injury.
Let’s hope he gets back to being the player he has been in the past. ;D

too rite V!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If Adam can get himself fit he would be an asset to the squad. He’ll play anywhere he’s asked to, plus he’s another local lad and for a team like Witton it’s good to have local players who appreciate how much the club means to the fans. I don’t think he’d be in the first 11 on a regular basis, but he’d be a fantastic player to bring off the bench.