Ross Clegg

According to Guardian website weve resigned Ross Clegg.

Not yet.

We are STILL awaiting International Clearance.



7 in to 2 doesn’t go… 1-8-1 formation??

According to Guardian website weve resigned Ross Clegg.

how do you get onto it, what is the link


"He brings us an ingredient I feel we don’t have in there," said Vince.

"Ross is a combative player who will win a lot of tackles to give the likes of Alex Brown and Rob Lloyd more possession.

"I feel we need that steadying influence, particularly on some of the dire pitches we will have to play on in the coming weeks."


Sorry but from memory he is not a steadying influence.
I wonder how those who deal with the disiplinary side of things feel about this?
A very good player but…

Clear one thing up for me Neil, who were you talking about with regard to the "discipline side of things"? Cleggy or Connors? :wink:

I think your comments could be true of both?

Im sorry but i thimk Steve Conners is awsome yes he has a few bookings but he gives his all for the red and white stripes he wears and im sure he wears with pride yeah sure hed love to be in conference who wudnt its just for him and the rest of the guys to push us there we have got the players who bring to the team there own little bit and us fans have our bit to play in supporting them no matter what they do right or wrong we are the ones who encourage them and keep there heads high when playing.
I aint saying i dont like Ross its just he seems to be more of a liability then Steve.
Any way bring on Saturday a win for us against Lincoln and a win for Liverpool against Chelsea and i will be happy.
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Yes thimk is supposed to be think and yes ive had a drink
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

A drink at 8.42am??? I guess it’s what following Witton can do to a man… ::slight_smile:

Having spoke to Jim Vince about the article in the local paper, here is his response to me
Quote from the paper
He brings us an ingredient I feel we don’t have in there," said Vince.
"Ross is a combative player who will win a lot of tackles to give the likes of Alex Brown and Rob Lloyd more possession.
"I feel we need that steadying influence, particularly on some of the dire pitches we will have to play on in the coming weeks.

What was not printed and should have been included in the same article was " Steve Connors has been magnificent for us so far and has been our midfield gladiator. Bringing Ross into the squad will enable some of this responsibility to be shared. It also allows me different options and flexibility on the way we can play".

I am also informing you all that as far as Jim is concerned Steve Connors is one of the best midfield players in the league and reminding you all that Steve is also Witton Albion`s vice captain…

I think everyone will agree that when Steve has been injured/suspended we have really missed him in midfield so it makes sense to me to bring a similar type of player in to be able to cover, also because of the backlog of fixtures already building it would be nice to be able to rotate a bit for the first time in years!

If as seems likely, the signing of Ross does take place, I fear that it may spell the end of their Witton careers for three of our midfielders.

Players who have given the club tremendous service and given everything they had for the cause but at the same time, have been very unlucky with injuries.

I thought that’s what we signed McGuire for though?? I think it’s safe to say Adam Foy wont feature much for Witton in the near future, and to be fair to Adam he has stood up and been counted in times when we haven’t had as good a side as we have now.

If there is one player i wouldn’t want to see go it’s Connors. When there was talk of Whalley going to Crewe i was of the opinion that we’d miss Connors more than Whalley, and i haven’t changed my mind over that.

I indeed agreed Robbo - Whalley hasn’t een missed as much I don’t think.

Eddie - I meant the club officials - I remember the suspended sentence we had last time as a result of Ross’s actions. He is however an excellent player and 1 who can make a difference - however I do remember at the time many thinking him a liability - more so than people seem to about connors at the moment.

I agree with Stu that strength in depth is important and we’ve probably got the strongest squad now that we’ve had in a long time.

However, we can only use fourteen players in any game and I just feel that it would be far better allowing some of the "fringe" players to get match practise even if it’s with other clubs because after all, these lads only want to play football.

On Ross Clegg, one thing he has in his favour above our other midfield players is his ability to get goals as we saw during his previous spell with the club.

I know its very unlikely but personally i am a huge fan of adam foy’s last season and the season before that adam gave his all in every game he got to play in and i think that he would be good enough to fit into this squad and be successful if need be although he is a central midfielder from my bad memory anyways :slight_smile: i think he would be pretty decent on the wings as i think he reads games well just an opinion but i think a fully fit adam foy could be a great asset to this witton squad !!

Adam has one of the best engines on any midfielder at the club, and in past seasons he has been the one to inspire a team performance, but with all due respect to Adam his first team chances are now very limited. A great squad player, but at this level, the lads just want to play football, which at the moment he is not.

fair does, fair does. macca, do u reckon that if Adam maybe went out on loan somewhere when he is fit and got some football under his belt he would then be able to challenge for a place or is it such that you feel the class is too high in midfield now for adam?