Rule on loaning players?

I have just read that Workington have agreed with Gretna to keep all the players they have on loan until the end of the season, isn’t there a limit in the unibond for loaning players of 3 months? I’m thinking of us and Frosty of course when we had him on loan from Crewe.

From what I heard ( I think it was Chad ) saying the other day the Unibond is now inline with other leagues, ie the loan period is allowed to run all season if desired.<br>Must be the case anyway if the above is correct.<br><br>It used to be 3 players per season and 3 months maximum though I think.<br>

I heard it was all a gentleman’s agreement. In that they sign for Workington for the season then transfer back if Gretna want them.

Just to confirm that new rules have been applied this season, following the pyramid restructuring, thus now allowing for a Long Term Loan Transfer. <br><br>The short term loan transfer - eg when Frosty was with us - of minimum 28 days , maximum 91 days STILL APPLYS.<br><br>Basically - Long term loan Players must be aged 24 and under on or before 30th June and their registration has to be completed by December 31st and can not expire until the end of the season.<br><br>Hope this helps…Chad