
Message on their forum says they will be playing their remaining home games at Witton having agreed a rent?<br>Any further information from your end?<br>Northwich’d better finish their place before you evict them hadn’t they?

No mention of it yesterday. :o

and no mention of it on runcorn’s official website forum! Where exactly are these postings then?

They have 2 message boards.

so what is the address of the unofficial site then?

yep heard the same, I liked halton stadium but it was to expensive, I am bassically a new fan to runcorn, been more of a liverpool fan, but decided to start going to there games, where about is the witton stadium

directions, pictures and information are all available via the main website:<br>

Total news to me but hey I’m only the Football Secretary!!

News to me and I’m only a Director!

According to NLP Runcorn have secured their immediate future at the Halton stadium. A fan has dug deep in his pockets and stumped up the dosh.

I hope that is true I really like halton stadium even if it is in widnes, but where did you get your info please unibonder

sorry NLP silly me

nope thats a bit of old news

The below is taken from the local Runcorn paper on the Chronicle website<br>Linnets to quit next week? Feb 10 2005<br><br> <br><br> <br>Weekly News<br> <br> <br>SPECULATION is continuing to mount that Runcorn’s next home game will be their last at Halton Stadium.<br><br>Unconfirmed reports are the Linnets will quit Widnes after the visit of Hinckley United on Saturday, February 19, and move to Witton Albion.<br><br>Wincham Park has been playing temporary host to rivals Northwich Victoria while their new stadium is built and Vics are to decamp early next month.<br><br>Runcorn had the best part of a season in the 1990s as tenants of Witton when they were forced to leave Canal Street due to a main stand fire and pitch-perimeter wall collapse.<br><br>Earlier this season, Albion hosted a Linnets FA Cup replay against Fleet-wood Town when Halton Stadium was unavailable due to pitch works.<br><br>It would be a surprise if Runcorn’s situation at Widnes wasn’t discussed then.<br><br>However, Witton Albion say there has been no official approach with a view to ground-sharing.<br><br>Two obvious hurdles would be the 10-year lease which the football authorities now insist should be held by clubs playing at such a level and the problems which would be caused by immediate clashes with Witton fixtures.<br><br>Linnets’ chairman Dr Dave Robertson has been unavailable for comment.<br><br>The club paid the latest ?3,000 installment demanded by the council on their ?60,000-plus-VAT rent on Thursday after a supporter stepped in with the money.<br><br>It is believed, however, the payment came a day late.<br><br>The Linnets Independent Supporters’ Trust met with Dr Robertson last week and has reportedly been offered a bigger say in the running of the club.<br><br>Fallon told the Weekly News the only person who could make a decision on the club’s future was Dr Robertson, now one of only two Linnets directors after the resignation of Hedley Edwards for personal reasons.<br><br>The other is vice-chairman Ian Burgess, the chairman’s brother-in-law.<br><br>But Fallon added: 'The Trust has approached Witton informally to ask would it be possible.<br><br>'They are happy for us to go there and we have let Dr Robertson know that.<br><br>'We’re also going to be opening discussions with Pavilions as to whether it’s feasible to move down there or not in the longer term.<br><br>‘The Conference wouldn’t let us move to Witton unless we are moving back to Runcorn eventually.’<br><br>Runcorn FC Halton have no assets and to move back to their hometown they would have to accept a big drop in playing standard or obtain funding.<br><br>Pavilions in Sandy Lane, Weston Point, has West Cheshire League standard facilities.<br><br>But the complex’s owners have their own problems, announcing last week its playing fields could close unless funding is secured for vital maintenance work.<br><br>Grant applications to various funding bodies have been unsuccessful.<br><br>Reseeding and weed-control work on the Sandy Lane sports fields, now run separately to the Pavilions clubhouse by a not-for-profit company, was due to be carried out at the end of the season but has now been cancelled.<br><br> <br><br><br>

ive also heard today that Runcorn may be dropping a league or two in order to find a ground suitable for league status<br><br>not sure if they will be able to find, or afford, grounds that need to be of conference north standard<br><br>its a sorry state when teams end up in situations like this, not sure what has happend to Runcorn but with so many teams having serious financial problems it makes you wonder how the people in charge could miscalculate by so much when planning the future?<br><br>obviously some things occur out of the blue but surely not all these teams can just be unlucky?

I seem to remember that they nearly went under a few seasons ago so they sold all their assets and agreed a groundshare deal (any of this sound familiar) Not really sure what has gone wrong there but it sounds like the rent they have been paying was very high and keeping the side up on low crowds maybe has taken its toll. I for one hope they pull through this ‘crisis’ I always enjoyed going to Runcorn and have fond memories of some great games between the two sides. PS I heard that the lad from Southport we wanted has signed for Runcorn until the end of the season.

It went wrong for runcorn when they didn’t have a player whose dad who had a genuine interest in football and their club. ;)<br><br>I don’t like to see many clubs struggle, but I have to ask how they can afford to sign some of the players they have been if they are in such dire straits - surely it should be local/youth players all round. Thats certainly what I’d expect us to do anyway.

Absolutely.<br><br>I did have some sympathy when the problems started; after all they do pay a lot of money to rent the Halton Stadium.<br><br>However. They continue to sign players on and take players on loan. Surely the easiest and most effective way of cutting costs and ensuring the football club survives is to reduce the playing budget. Sure, you might get relegated. But it is best to have a club in a lower league than no club at all.<br><br> [smiley=nono.gif]

here is the latest from the local rag<br><br><br>Chairman: We’re off! Feb 17 2005<br><br> <br><br> <br>By Dave Bettley, Weekly News<br> <br> <br>RUNCORN FC Halton chairman Dr Dave Robertson has admitted Saturday’s home game against Hinckley United (ko 3pm) is ‘likely’ to be their last at Halton Stadium.<br><br>He says in the absence of any major investment, the Linnets can no longer afford to play at the stadium.<br><br>Where the club goes from here both in the short and long term is uncertain.<br><br>If it moved from Halton without any tangible hope of a return to its homeland, the club would risk dropping down leagues.<br><br>This is a situation the Linnets Independent Supporters’ Trust (LIST) hopes to avoid by working with the football club to find, and obtain funding for, a future new home in Runcorn.<br><br>But the Linnets have not yet secured an alternative venue to complete this season.<br><br>Witton Albion’s Wincham Park remains favourite as the North-wich-based UniBond League club are said to be willing to accommodate Runcorn, who are under-stood to owe the council about ?9,000.<br><br>This is January’s ?6,000 rent plus rental for the only February home game so far against Worksop Town.<br><br>Prescot Cables or Warrington Town would seem other alternative destinations to see out the 2004-05 campaign. Wilderspool, the former home of Warrington Wolves RLFC, has even been suggested.<br><br>However, the Warrington Borough Council-owned ground is still used as a training base by the Super League club and on Saturdays by the Warrington Wizards RL team.<br><br>The Wolves’ lease runs out at the end of this season while the resident snooker club’s agreement reportedly runs until the end of the year.<br><br>Dr Robertson said: 'We have had a lot of welcome support from shareholders wanting to buy new shares and people wanting to make donations. But it is the kind of donations spectators and supporters can afford. It isn’t the kind of money we really need.<br><br>‘There is still a question mark over the future of the club and anyone interested in the club’s development and future should make themselves known to me.’<br><br>Dr Robertson added: 'The club is formally going to make contact with a range of clubs and owners of appropriate facilities that meet the standard and take up further discussions with the Conference.<br><br>'If we move away and don’t have a natural place to return to within a specified time then we could be treated as if we were a new side and have to start again.<br><br>'If we move away on a temporary basis it is a question of what we have to do to maintain our position in the league if we don’t lose it by poor play.<br><br>‘Bill King (the Conference chairman) has said he is willing to come to talk to the borough council’s chief executive David Parr about the situation in the hope it will bring about a change.’<br> <br><br><br>