RuncornFCHalton no more?

From their site<br><br>Linnets Fans Task Force call for Runcorn FC Chairman to resign<br><br>The Fan’s task force brought together to ensure the survival of Runcorn FC has decided that the best opportunities for the club lie in a reformed club that is run by the fans via a Trust. The existing Ltd Company, of which the current Chairman, Dr David Robertson, is one of the remaining directors, has got itself into an untenable position, and the fans feel that liquidation is the best option, despite the fact that it will result in the team having to drop at least two leagues, most likely finding itself in the North West Counties Division 2.<br><br>A spokesman for the fans said "We appreciate that the Chairman has done his best to fund the club over recent seasons, but the shortfalls in this and last season, has left us in an embarrassing situation, where players are leaving because they aren’t getting paid. This has resulted in two seasons of consecutive relegation. Not only does the Ltd Company have nothing to offer the club any longer, it is actually proving to be a hindrance to the attraction of new interest in the club."<br><br>The Linnets Independent Supporter’s Trust was formed a couple of years ago, but never really gained any momentum, however, the Trust is to be resurrected, renamed and re-launched with new people at the helm, and will become the core of the reformed club, with one of the first aims being the return to Runcorn…<br><br>Offers of help and support have started to come in, even before the project has officially started. The Quayside is to run an eight week karaoke competition, including raffles and auctions, with the proceeds going to the new Trust-based club.<br><br>There is an open meeting for all interested parties to be held at The Quayside, Canal Street in Runcorn. The meeting is on Friday 28th, starting at 7:30pm, and will be an opportunity for all Runcorn fans, past, present and future, along with prospective sponsors to help mould the future of the club.<br><br><br>

Update on this story - Methinks Could this mean that Goole Town don’t get relegated from Div One?<br><br><br>"There was an open meeting held at the Quayside in Canal Street on Friday (April 28th) night to discuss the future of UniBond League club Runcorn FC Halton. <br><br>Despite being an open meeting, the chairman did not attend as he felt that he hadn’t been formally invited. At the meeting the following decisions were made: <br><br>(1) The fans confirmed that after the match against Ashton on 29th April, they will no longer support the entity currently known as Runcorn FC Halton/Runcorn AFC Ltd. <br><br>(2) The fans will work towards the creation of AFC Runcorn, a new club that will hopefully be the reformation of Runcorn AFC Ltd when it fails to confirm its ability to participate in the UniBond Division 1, or if it goes into administration. <br><br>(3) The fans will investigate the possibilities of returning to playing in Runcorn as soon as possible and as part of the decision of finding a suitable ground for next season, ground options "south of the river" will be given consideration. <br><br>(4) The new club’s aim is to play in the highest league possible, with a new to that being at least North West Counties League Second Division. <br><br>(5) The new club will be formed around the Trust currently known as the Linnets Independant Supporters Trust, but will be subject to a potential name change, and establishment of new personnel. <br><br>(6) The Quayside will be the new social base in Runcorn, for AFC Runcorn"