Rushden and diamonds

R & D expelled over fianacial problems.

Maybe they’ll come back as Rushden & Cubic Zirconia.

Makes the sensible way our board are working look more and more like the right way to go. I have some sympathy for the supporters but they are to blame too in demanding a level of success that was just not sustainable without a “Sugar Daddy” to pick up the tab. How long before our neighbours go the same way, again.

I remember going to their ground in March 1996 to watch an England ‘C’ versus Holland International match, to watch our Colin Rose makes his full international debut.

There was a massive crowd, as Englands striker and ex Witton Albion player Carl Alford was also in the side, and he had just signed for Rushden & Diamonds for a record non-league fee of £85,000.

If I remember right, England won 4-0 with Carl scoring a hatrick, all from assists from Colin.

After the game, Carl introduced me to their vice chaiman who gave me a personal tour of their new facilities.

With these fond memories, I do hope they do not go out of existence, but it does show the problems of being financed by a sugar daddy. At the time of my visit, one of the sponsors told me that he had bought the abattoir close to the ground for £6m because some of the fans had complained about the smell!

Very sad but does show the utter folly of the “sugar daddy” route to success…Crawley Town and Cod Army fans take note! The sugar daddy might have an awful lot of money, but it’s never ever enough!