Hopefully one of the 1874 masses can answer or throw some sense on their club, since they have broken away from the mother club as I can not tell the difference.
Both trade under different names at companies house, both are likely to play out of town next year, both have similar badges although one has a Latin motto now, both have similar colours, both have the same nickname, both appear to have not informed fans of what is or was going on in their clubs. I say this in relation to the new club in I am informed some maths equations were brought up at last weeks meeting concerning the details of these missed opportunity. If x wanted this and y could only pay a lesser amount then fair enough but when z offers to help you have to wonder why. Oh well groundshare has been announced and signed and sealed apparently so good luck to them
Dig out your old tops 1874 fans it’s time to go all retro. Keep telling yourselves you are different from the old club, Britannia Carpets are the new shirt sponsors!
Dave Ryans gonna be the keeper too
They can call themselves 1874 or whatever they want but at the end of the day they aint got no history! :laugh: We have 125 years + unbroken mooney UTA