Saturday's Trip to Farsley

For those wishing to travel by team coach, it leaves Witton at 11.45am.<br><br>GE<br>

Is your sad assistant grounds man comming who spent last years visit to us trying to find problems with our ground and taking photos of things he did not like.<br><br>Our groundsman says he is not welcome so save himself the bus fair and he knows who he is.

[smiley=banane.gif]If hes there I’m sure you’ll be able to spot him among your masses(sic)!

Could say the same about your fans at our place Farsley Forever but you never brought anyone.

[quote] Could say the same about your fans at our place Farsley Forever but you never brought anyone.[/quote]<br><br>Non of our fans like going to yours due to overzealous stewards who think they are still running conference games and treat every one like kids.<br><br>But I think it will be a very good game Saturday as both teams have strengthened with Quality players,We have a tought start with you then Blyth away followed by Ilkeston away then a local derby with Guisley bank holiday Monday but i think Saturday will be toughest test.<br>our average over season last year was about five short of three hundred which means we have grown from 100 average in two years know any one else that can produce that sort of growth.<br>See you all saturday but leave dick h… the groundsman at home.<br>

Nice to see you think of us as a tough contest.not many in this league see us as much of a threat.<br><br>I think we will be a bit of a surprise this year to most teams.<br><br>Let the fun begin.

Local paper gave rave review about your ex ass manager playing for Halifax tues but mentioned a six game suspended sentence he got for playing for you last march what is that all about then

i’ve been asking this question for months but got no reply from anyone so dont hold your breath

lutkie<br><br>Reckon you are still under the illusion that something went on in the AWAY MATCH at B.A. It didn’t, suggest you refer to the GARY BRABIN topic as your question was answered by the club WEEKS AGO. <br><br> nb I’ve also just posted an update.