Scottish Independence

I know we have enough problems of our own atm (especially after yesterdays result and it is posted in the miscellaneous section) but just to lighten the mood a bit I wondered if any wittoners had any thoughts on this. Is anyone bothered??? For me I would never like to see Scotland or anyone else leave the greatest empire in the world but I suppose its up to them - no going back though! Personally I won’t lose any sleep either way but I would rather they stay if we were given the choice, ultimately I don’t think anyone will really benefit from a divided UK. Random post I know but i’m still getting over the result yesterday and need to take out my frustrations elsewhere!

I really hope they vote yes as i find the way our politicians are offering them the world to stay, basically saying dont worry if you mess up with the finances the rest of the UK will bail you out once again, maybe they should give England the vote as to whether we want Scotland to stay!

You’d like to see the Union Jack without the blue in it? I cant imagine that and I think they will be in shit creek without us (ok they have some oil but that will run out soon). But I do agree the English should have been given a say in it, the whole process of such an important decision seems to have been absolutely bonkers and no-one actually seems to know what the advantages and disadvantages are. What would they trade in, shortbread? We can’t let them have any control of the pound! mooney

Alex Salmond knows he can never be Prime Minister of the UK so he wants his country to separate from the UK so he can be Prime Minister of Scotland and that my friends is all it is about. Should they go? Personally as with all political decisions I think it will make very little difference to ordinary people, life will go on. They said if we joined the EU we would starve or go broke, the people who wanted us in the EU said the same thing. They both lied.

I would prefer them to remain in the UK but its a democracy they are having a vote so let the people decide

Well said CJ.

Well in less than 24 hours we will know whether we have to rebuild Adrian’s wall !

I said on Facebook 55% would vote “No” and guess what? I was right. (Which makes a change!)

Well I am pleased they voted to stay in the UK, could not see much sense in the split for either parties.

Alex Salmond did the honourable, imagine that, a politician doing the honourable thing. I cannot see Clegg, Cameron or Miliband doing the same had they lost.

I suspect there is nothing honourable in his act he put his position on the line and lost it ! Wonder if he wants to join our board now he’s got nothing to do ?