shirt sponser

who is our new shirt sponser

Sock Shop :slight_smile:

You should see the kit for next season, Red & white stripes with black dots, White socks with red dots! :ohmy: Black shorts with red dots :ohmy:

cn u upload a pic of it

Good hole to fill re the shirt sponsor :stuck_out_tongue:

Good hole to fill re the shirt sponsor :P[/quote]

This season we will be looking to…sock it to em’ :blush: I’ll get me coat

Talk about putting your foot in it…

Darn it!!!

socking news indeed.

Their website looks good.Quality socks. :slight_smile:

some nice stuff for the netball team to wear :wink:

What a feet! SBL

Is this sponsor in anyway linked to Matt Woolley :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is the sock shop? In town or a couple of foot outside?

That’s a shoo in for pun of the thread.

That’s a shoo in for pun of the thread.[/quote]

Put a sock on it mookie

all punsters should be hosed.

You mean they should toe the line.
Or come to heel.
Something’s definitely afoot.