Spennymoor 0 Albion 0

Not a bad result. We don’t usually get much up there!

Decent result but a crap game really. They had a goal given and then disallowed on 78mins due to unsportsmanly conduct. As a player left the pitch after crossing the ball and then got it played back to him when he was off the pitch so technically wasn’t offside. The referee gave it and then the players pointed it out to the ref and he spoke to the linesman and revoked his decision.<br><br> Albion held on late after hitting the post early on and a few dodgy offsides as ever!<br><br>Bakerwatch: My opinion did alrite. Had a few good touches and a good shot on target. Likes the ball but will be better at home were we have more possession and pitch which you can pass on.<br><br> Considering we usually get stuffed up there it was a good result. ?[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>Team: Super Gibbo, Evans, Tickle, Pritchard, Furnival, Salt, Baker, Nolan, Dicken, Madin, Moseley.<br><br>subs: Yates on for Madin about 80mins<br><br>subs not used: Bird, Burton.<br><br>MOM: Either Gibbo or Lee Madin who worked very hard without much reward.

Excellent point

And a gate of over 100.

Considering we never get anything from Spennymoor, I’m quite pleased with a 0-0.<br><br>Quite a relief when their goal was disallowed, although no-one other than our players seemed to know what was going on. ?Their player who had crossed the ball in had left the playing field (carried off by his momentum!), and then come back on without the referees permission. ?The ball had been crossed to him when he was stood on the goal line and so if hadn’t left the pitch, would have been in an offside position. ?The linesman apparently briefly put his flag up, but then put it down, which led our players to protest to the liner and referee.<br><br>Funniest thing was, Spennymoor had announced the goal over the tannoy, and their keeper had made a bit of an idiot of himself to us visiting fans when they "scored". ?Thanks to Pritch for explaining to us what had happened - I don’t think even our bench knew!<br><br>Nail-biting stuff there on in til the end though!!<br><br>Thought we started brightly, definitely shaded the first half, and they probably had the better of the second, as the home team pushing for the win.<br><br>I think the midfield missed Andy Barlow - I think him and Ryan Baker will compliment each other well.<br><br>Thought Ryan had a good game - pitch was very uneven so we played a lot of long ball stuff, especially when we were under pressure, so in the second half he didn’t see much of the ball. ?In the first half he had a good shot on target saved and he looked very comfortable on the ball. ?When he got the ball, and took someone on in the middle of the pitch, I had confidence that he wasn’t going to lose it. ?He also seemed to have a look before passing the ball, and making sure he chose the right option. ?<br><br>Lee Madin did a hell of a lot of running around chasing the ball, and I thought he was our man of the match.<br><br>Roll on Frickley! ;D ;D

Got to be happy with a point up there, and another of the difficult away fixtures out of the way

Not much to add really other than a decent showing, not our best be we are picking up point - they win prizes! ;)<br><br>One note, decent support from us Wittoners who numbered at least 25 incl officials in a gate of 125. Well done all who made the trip (if the league send us to play Bishops in 2 weeks time I’ll not be impressed!)<br><br>In final conclusion 10 games in 6th place, 1 loss (out the FA Cup unfortunatley) but well in touch with the top 5 and have by no means had an easy ride with the games we’ve played. If Baker can make an impact we should certainly be pushing for that play off spot.

Agree with all the above. It was a good showing considering we, traditionally, never get anything up there.<br>Credit to the defence on another clean sheet. Although, at times, Spennymoor were able to run the ball into our box almost unchallenged a little too easily, they held firm and Gibbo was commanding and decisive.<br>Anyone see the ridiculous NLP report from, persumably, the Spennymoor correspondent, claiming a ‘totally one sided game’.Outrageous! We were under alot of pressure, true, but Dicko was a constant threat on the right, so much so, he constantly had two markers on him and Mike and Lee were victims of a flag happy linesman influenced by a spiteful Spennymoor tactic of throwing up the arms claiming offside every time the ball was played forward.Had one or two of these attacks been allowed to run their course who knows what might have materialised.<br>A bit lucky with the disallowed goal.I’ve rarely, if ever seen a goal disallowed after the players celebration and ready for the kick-off.Reminded me a bit of the penalty reversal at Workington.<br>Once again well done to the team lets push on now and consolidate our position.<br>

There were certainly a few raised eyebrows at the NLP report. Was it hell one sided (maybe that was a reference to the slope?) <br>Not sure what they say when they play a poor team and win eh?<br>Either way we still got the point.

One of their fans said to me it should have been a cricket score to them.<br><br> I replied: "But it wasn’t, It was 0-0 and thats what counts".

Re the NLP - As I report on our home matches then I know that what is dictated over the phone doesn’t always come out in print correctly. The NLP would not though normally make-up such a remark as "totally one-sided" themselves. <br><br>The interesting aspect of the report is the word totally. The 3rd paragraph totally contradicts this statement as it says "the visitors’ first chance". <br><br>There were others as those who went know but space is limited and if the author doesn’t emphasise events in their respective report then the NLP can’t make them up. <br><br>I reckon as the report has to be filed quite soon after the match that the accredited author was feeling pretty bitter - not least with his own forwards t’would appear