Just an update to everyone on the current situation at Wincham Park and the covid pandemic. As you are aware all games are to be played behind closed doors until further notice due to Coronavirus risk. The FA have instructed that all clubs have a nominated Covid Officer and I, Jo Heffey, have taken on responsibility for this. Over the last week a Covid risk assessment has been completed and distributed to various people within the club, visiting teams and has also been published on the club website. We have worked closely with Brian Turner of Northwich Vics and received great support from Mike Alcock of Barnton FC and we thank them for their ongoing help and assistance. The risk assessment gives details of what safety measures have been put in place which incorporates the necessary compliance which will keep us within the government and FA guidelines. We have made many changes to keep everyone safe and we will continue to do so as the rules change and we are able to welcome supporters again in the future.

It is not a great situation knowing that people can not come and watch their team and are unable to provide the much needed income that games bring to every club. The restrictions are subject to change and we will keep you updated regularly via the website and social media platforms on any developments that arise.

We are severely limited with the numbers permitted to attend the games until further notice we will be restricted to the following:-

Chairman, Team Management, Secretary, Physio, Kit man, Covid Officer, Welfare Officer, key Ground Staff/Volunteers to cover constant sanitisation requirements, 2 x stewards, 2 Security/Door Staff, 2 Photographers and 2 Media Personnel. The away fixtures will be a greatly reduced list from the above.

We kindly ask that anybody not named as working at the stadium on the day do not turn up as we will be unable to let you in until the rules are officially relaxed. We will however ensure that you are fully kept up to date through all the regular media platforms.

We thank you for your patience and understanding and constant support through this challenging time and look forward to welcoming everybody back in due course. “Stay safe.”

Any questions give me a shout.

