You may have read on various social media that I sent a discourteous and ungrateful e mail to one of our long-standing volunteers. This was posted immediately by the person concerned.

As a consequence a small number trolls and keyboard warriors have been putting their tuppence worth in as part of their own agenda without knowledge of the complete picture. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!

The e mail was not sent by me. My account had been hacked and anything sent was done so without my own consent or knowledge. The individual volunteer concerned received a further e mail from me personally using a different account confirming the e mail had not been sent by me. It was acknowledged. It is perhaps regrettable and certainly unfair that this latter rebuttal did not make its way onto the social media circus. I am taking advice on whether any of the subsequent comments are defamatory. Watch this space!

Freedom of speech is one of most fundamental rights. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are those who wish me gone as on occasion some wanted my predecessor to step down. There are also those who see the good things we are doing and are kind enough to make comment. You can’t please everyone. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. What Chairman is?! Whether we get on or not though we all have the best interests of the football club at heart. Passions can run high.

However, the washing of our dirty linen in public has our rivals and enemies rubbing their hands in glee.

This is a week in which we need to be positive and should be reflecting on how well our management team and players are doing as they prepare for the biggest game of the season to date. Tuesday night’s game with Belper Town is worth £10,000 to the club.

Our financial situation has improved dramatically in the last 3 or 4 months. It needed to. 60 Club pledges have been a Godsend and have steadied the ship. A lot of historic debt has been cleared although there is some way to go. A huge thanks to all of our excellent supporters.

We are finalising a two year extension to the ground share with Northwich Victoria which is worth a lot to the club in rental income, bar takings and other benefits. The agreement will be signed over the coming weeks and sent to the league to ratify.

Our Social Club has taken off massively under Jackie Beasant’s stewardship and we did outstandingly well over the Bank Holiday weekend when we hosted a Rock Festival. They have booked an even bigger event next year! Slimming World and Kiddy Dribblers are about to sign rental agreements for the year as we negotiate the small print. Sky Sports and BT complete the revamp.

Witton Albion FC Juniors are closing in on 450 members thanks to the fantastic work undertaken by Alan Jackson. These are Witton fans of the future. The Academy, U21s and Youth team have all produced players for the first team that cost nothing. Our elite coaching will be starting soon.

The purpose of all of this income is to provide money for Carl to strengthen the team. We are not out of the woods. But we have turned the corner!

I am happy to discuss and share any of our plans with anyone. Just ask! To those supporters, volunteers and employees who make up our magnificent club I give you on behalf of the Board and myself our sincere thanks.

Let us stick together and get behind the lads!


John Salmon
Witton Albion FC