swapping wide players

I thought that Adam Morning and Mark Peers were very influential at the start of the match at Matlock on Tuesday night and caused their defence great problems with their pace. Unfortunately I felt their effectiveness was nulified by swapping the players over to the other wings and Adam in particular faded from the game and this took away the threat that he was creating. I can understand using this tactic if the wide players are having little joy against the fullbacks, but saw little point when Adam was passing his defender at every opportunity. Any thoughts?

Good point and I did say to Jim that Adam didn’t look to be a right sided player after the match. Maybe based on his awesome first half performance I was expecting too much from him.

As we know though Peersy can operate well on both flanks and had several good moves down the left before he moved back to the right and lo and behold we scored the 2nd goal.

I though by this topic’s title you might be referring to Liam & Cav’s swop. I don’t recall this happening before but what a very shrewd move. Just shows how versitile our team has become what with Brods also in a different role on Tuesday.

Liam and Cav have swapped before during a home game but I can’t remember who against now (probably while you were sunning yourself Chad) not many people have commented on how well Liam did after the swap, the number 11 was hardly seen once the swap was made although he did nothing spectacular the threat that was posed in the first 15 mins went as soon as Liam marked him. As for swapping wingers I always think it works well to do this if not working for both wingers it does cause defences problems, one of the reasons I was amazed Matlock didn’t try it!

Have to agree about the Liam/Cav comments. Thought Cav’s distribution was disappointing throughout the game, but he made up for it with some great defending in the second half