team bus


On the team bus with cans of Carling in hand, typical Sunday League outfit!

i think the team are all grown up and are entitled to a drink,especially after winning 5-1 away. [smiley=banane.gif]

They deserve it after there great performance yesterday. So I suppose Vics are all seasoned professionals who don’t drink. Well I’ve only seen a few of them on the drink around the North-West.

Shame I didn’t have the camera handy when Daddy’s boy was tucking into his burger n chips the other week!<br><br>Lads if you play and win like that you can drink whatever the hell you want!

[smiley=banane.gif]Is that two Leek officials in the car behind trying to make an illegal approach!!!<br>

Note that Gibbo - despite being out injured - travelled to Lincoln

What a hero Chad. (Sure Akie will agree!! ;)) It’s a bloody long way to go to travel and not play!<br><br>Well done again lads - well deserved beers. Just hoping that it didn’t carry on into the night and that you’ll all be feeling good for tonights game!<br><br> ;D

Our team seems to have a great team spirit & that can only help by showing that our players are committed by watching the rest of the team turnout in our crucial end of season games.