Thank you for your views

Thank you for all your comments. Ive now received some items for the social club memorial wall, with more promised. I think the idea of a large Witton Badge is a no no , but it was just a thought.

Just to keep you updated, we are busy getting quotes in for the ladies toilets refurbishment. If you have any friends in the plumbing trade, please feel free to ask them to contact myself to organise a quote. (0774 284 1254 or

Michelle & I are planning on a few alterations within in the club, but will have to save hard for new chairs & tables, I might try and make some??? I think not. (ha ha)

We are trying to "Grooy Up" The social.

Thank you for taking your time to read this message.

Rachel I think you are doing a good job at the club. We do need to tidy it up a bit and it is important that we get the club giving us more income. My own view is that if we can get the place right and we don’t move grounds then we can get more income in from the houses that will be built around us. I therefore think you have a key role to play in this and your bubbilly energectic appraoch is what we need. I think your catering sie is good too as most football fans don’t want or need Egon Ronay stuff. so basically keep it up and keep the enthusiasim going.
[br][size=1]Posted on: February 11, 2008, 01:00:24 PM[/size][hr]I’d also like to comment about a lass called Michelle who works behind the bar. I believe she has a lot of potential and I think she’d like to take on the role of commercial manager. I hope Mike considers her for this as I spoke to her the other Thursday and was impressed with her demeanor, the way she spoke very professionally and her enthusiasm which was illustrated by her bottling up the fridges towards the end of the night (Hard worker as well)!. This lass seems to me to be an asset I hope we can find her a role wthin the club as I’m sure she’d be a success

THANK YOU MONA, VERY MUCH for that comment it means alot. Its nice to be praised and noticed. Michelle has a great presence about her and Im glad she’s decided to join us. She has a great marketing and sales background but also has a real Flare for people. I certainly feel like I have known her for years when in fact, its only been a few weeks. Michelle is my assistant for social club and is also going to be marketing the football side i.e sponsors.

I knew I wouldnt be the only who noticed her abilities.

Thanks again.

True words MONA, It’s good to have so many nice, honest, hard working people at the club.

Thank you LEFT P. We do try. Whatever we can do to help and we all really enjoy what we do. Witton surely does grow on you like a wart. ha haa only joking.

Always happy to help.

Thanks again.