Thank you from Damo

A big thank you to everyone from Damo.<br>I am leaving the club and wanted to thank everybody from the chairman, directors, managment, the Doc, physios, players and Witton fans for the last 8 years.<br>I have enjoyed every minute and will miss you all.<br>I wish you all well for the future and hope the club does well.

Damo I wish you well , I hope we will see you in some capacity next season, you can come and calm me down when the season begins…good luck mate hope to see you soon.

well done damo for all your hard work right through the club, i really hope your aknowledged in some capacity at your presentation…all the best for the future, made me a better player and person although not at witton anymore… thanks damo all the best.<br><br>muzza<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Medical cabinet won’t be the same without you Damo.<br>Good luck buddy.


All the best Damo, you’ll certainly be missed around the place.