That's The Spirit.

I see our union boys are being ultra-professional and this time are preparing differently.Out is the pint drinking vodka and red-bull sessions.Gone are the dwarfs to hurl across the bar.

Poor lads,what else is there to do during the World Cup.After-all they were only letting off steam.

I hope nobody bought into that statement issued by the deluded and cosseted RFU.

Got what they and Martin Johnson deserved, the “Order of the Boot”!! But I have to say that the Wales V Ireland game put the football I have seen on the box lately to shame, real excitement, real effort played by real men not by petulant little boys, Rooney,you should be ashamed of yourself; what an example to young kids that moron is.

WHS, Rooney is a thick and petulant thug agreed but he does have a lot of talent -if no brain to go with it, but I dont get the double standard with rugby, the violent punches, spearing , stamping in rugby just gets ignored because its a gentlemans game and they respect the referee - bullshit they respect the referee because they get way with murder in the name of rugby, not that im bothered about the result from the world cup its rugby after all, would be nice to see wales win it now they live and breathe rugby.

Don’t forget the sheep activities as well CJ !

thats what helps the Welsh with the body swerve ! catchin sheep :laugh:

Wales losing means the World Cup Final takes place tomorrow between New Zealand and Australia, the French will be lucky not to lose by 30 points to either one of them, the Welsh had a chance.However the ref was right to send Warburton off, spear tackles are the worst there is.

welsh unlucky and 9 out of 10 times not a sending off but its rugby and im not bothered really