The 2nd Annual Beer Festival

Thanks again to all who came tonight, we hope Wittoners will be out in force tomorrow!

Here’s the band we’ve got on tomorrow night, the stage invader at 2:41 is none other than Witton legend Brendan Burke B)

Mr Wilson kept serving till gone 1am last night… Suffering today! :blush:

Excellent Saturday evening @ beerfest.Superb selection of beers and ciders.
A big thank you to Neil and his merry persons. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Well done to Ste and Neil - excellent effort on behalf of OUR Club once again.

I spent the full 3 days at the Beer Fest, and i’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. Last night was a particular highlight.

Now for a little moan…

I’m not one to tell people how they should and shouldn’t spend their money, but it’s a real shame more Wittoners didn’t get down and support this year’s event. The time and effort that has gone in to organise the festival deserved a much better response from the fans.

A successful beer festival on the Witton Albion calendar each year can make a huge contribution to our continued growth as a football club.

It is also important that people attend so that you can give feedback on how this can be improved year on year.

It really is vital that events such as this remain at Witton. We need to take full advanatage of being the only senior football team in town with the facilities to host this and other activities.

The profits raised this weekend have been ear-marked by Neil to pay our water bill. Not very glamorous i know, but if we - unlike other clubs - intend to continue paying our bills rather than ignoring our financial obligations, then that money has to come from somewhere. It’s either going to come from supporter fundraising activities, or it is going to be found from other areas - usually meaning a reduction in playing budget.

None of us want that.

Another 20 or 30 Wittoners through the door this weekend would have made a significant difference.

These kind of things are YOUR events for YOUR football club.

Please support them when you can.

Let’s hope for another successful beer festival next year.

Thanks to everyone who came down, sponsored, etc etc, hope you enjoyed it and feedback is more than welcomed on what we can do next year to improve it.

There are about 15 or 20 bottles of 125 left so a great success on those. If anyone didnt manage to pick one up and wants one just pop into the club when it’s open :slight_smile:

Sorry I couldn’t make it in the end but I wouldn’t mind purchasing a few bottles of the 125.

WHS, im not sure where Neil is going to put them, I think if you pop up on Thursday we can sort it out, im sure there’ll be someone around who can access where ever they are!

Has any one got bottle number 30 please ? Unopened ! :wink:
It’s my grandaughter’s date of birth.At 6 months she is tad young to sample it but hey ! :cheer:
I am willing to pay £5 for it.

Firstly massive thanks to Ste who had a huge involvement in the organisation.

I was jesting bout the water bill but is is a club event which is just as improtant as any other and contributes to this years income and is budgetted for and so has to work so we can make ends meet.

A good even however, enjoyed by most and its great to have other people involved be it bands/bar staff or drinkers!

The late stoppers also got to see the playoff dvd - pretty class I’ll tell you!

Just to add my thanks to Mookie B, Neil, the bar staff and all the usual suspects for a great time when i came on sat. The people that came along with me said they thoroughly enjoyed the beer and entertainment too. Might stay away from that moonshine next time though, was floating all the way home after a few of them :blink:

Who won the Photo Comp?