The rest of the season....

We’re certainly doing it the Witton way! One thing that shouldn’t go unrecognised though is the Cod’s form over the last 13 games. It’s easy to say that we’ve thrown it away but who thought Fleetwood would do as well as they have done? Yes they’ve had luck and scored last minute winners but their form has been absolutely outstanding and we as Witton fans just need to accept it.

On Saturday we just need to support Jim and the lads as best we can and continue our excellent home form. It’s unlikely that Frickley will do anything at Fleetwood but if any team has the nerve, bottle, and desire to spoil someones party then it has to be them! If we end up in the play offs then at least this season we’ve beaten all of the teams that we could possibly come up against which cannot be said about last season.

Let’s get down to Wincham Park for the remaining games, anything is possible, keep believing…

You have to hand it to Fleetwood - it’s been a stunning series of matches for them, and for that they probably deserve to win the league. But let’s not forget that, with our ‘performance’ against Fleetwood we gave them the belief that they could catch us up. Still very angry about that. I see there’s already some revisionist history going on with that game - someone on here only the other day said Fleetwood played “excellently” against us, instead of what they really did which was stand around bemused that we kept passing the ball to them. They played “excellently” in the way that a sparring partner plays “excellently” when a boxer is having a stinker of a day and can’t throw a punch. I’m sure that in a few months’ time the accepted opinion on the game will have shifted to something like “Witton played okay, albeit slightly below par, but Fleetwood were superb and just too good on the day”.

Let’s hope we don’t carry on doing things “The Witton Way” ™ in the playoff games. In other words, play very nervously, go 1-0 up, let in an equaliser, then lose on penalties.

The way things are going, our nemesis, Foster, could well get the winning goal against Frickley on Saturday. How he would like that.

Let’s see some fight in the playoff games, Witton. Let’s see a strong desire to win when there’s some real pressure on. It would be a travesty if we didn’t go up.

Seeing as i will be unable to attend any other witton matches for the rest of the season i shall be watching very intently from dundee! I have every intention of keeping my eye not only on the result for us comin from wincham park with which i expect to be getting updates either on this forum or from my sources at the stadium! :laugh: but i will also be keeping an eye on the cods forum and how frickley fare against them because lets be honest frickley can still have a huge say on this title race, as can, lets not forget, worksop! i will let my sources at the ground know the latest as soon as anything happens from fleetwood and keep them posted and hoefully all will be good news in the way that witton dominate at wincham park and frickley dominate the cods! Come on Witton!

As has been said you can take nothing away from Fleetwood, their results over the last few weeks have been excellent and they gathered momentum at exactly the right time. The fact it will take 93 points to win this league shows how dominant the top teams have been. 80 points from 2 more games won it last year and this year has been a straight race between the three top teams from start to finish. It is not over until 4.45 on Saturday but the smart money says that Fleetwood should not let it slip now.

I don’t believe that the best team will win it. From a football perspective the number of goals we have scored, the number of clean sheets kept and the fact we top the fair play league all go in our favour. Unfortunately you can play the best football and not win the ultimate prize. I have seen Fleetwood 4 times this season and their only decent performance was at Wincham Park, the result that arguably won them the league and gave them the encouragement to go on their recent run.

I would rather watch Witton in the Unibond than Fleetwood in the Conf North. Derby County fans have probably had a miserable season compared to the one before! I thoroughly believe we deserve promotion based on this and last season and we can still achieve it. We will have home advantage in both play offs, if it comes to that, and our home form has been superb. The lads need to focus on winning these two games and nothing else (unless Frickley spoil the party on Saturday, again)!

The side has been magnificent this season and deserve tremendous credit. Fleetwood are physical, strong and athletic but they do not play as good a football as our side, we can take pride in that, if not automatic promotion.

A fair summing up of what I tried to say and upset Robbo with Rabbit because I can’t express myself very well i the written word. Yes we are miles the best “Football” team in the league but just very occasionally we come up against things like bad grounds and physical presence that we struggle with. I Stress the words very occasionally in fact 3 or 4 games out of 40!!
I’m sure for us home advantage in the play offs is a great boost and our lads have to think we’ve only lost once this season at home. Wincham Park is a fortress for us so think positive because the visiting teams know they have a hard job on and it won’t be like Telford last year where they actually outnumbered us. We get behind the lads make a noise and its worth a goal start!!
Just hope Frickley can find something extra and draw at Fleetwood!! Lets be fair though Fleetwood are currently awesome and are grinding out results whether it be in a football or determined type way. I think its mostly the latter!!

Really good posting Rabbit.Witton faced Frickley in the 1988/89 season when we were members of the HFS Loans League.It was the last game ever to be played at the Central Ground.There was a big crowd and a carnival atmosphere and we were all expecting a resounding win.It didn’t happen and we ended up struggling to hold on for a 1-1 draw.What I’m trying to say is that this league is far from over.Fleetwood have to win just like Witton have to.The pressure on Fleetwood to not slip up will be immense.The longer the game go’s without a goal,the more agitated the cods get which then transfers to the team.Nothing can be taken for granted in football including counting chickens and the fat lady is still only clearing her throat.I feel Witton are a far superior footballing side and that justice will prevail in handing Witton that much deserved promtion place whether it be as champions or runners up.Keep counting those chickens all you cods,you are setting yourselves up nicely…GOOD LUCK TO BOTH TEAMS.

Can’t agree with that Frickley are just playing out the season - their goalkeeper was still time wasting when they were 3 down against us the other week!

We are clutching at straws now - If Fleetwood were going to slip up then Buxton and Leek away were those games. They didn’t and

There is no way that they will slip up on Saturday.

Lets concentrate on being up for the unfortunate reality of the play offs.

Sorry Rabbit, but you are wrong. The best team will win the league!

Been dreading finishing below Fleetwood and having to be in the playoffs for months, there’s bound to be a bus turn up loaded with idiots from Fleetwood.

Eddiec u are correct - one can give all sorts of stats and reasons against but the team at the top at the end of the season are the best.

We cannot change the past (including the recent past).
We can influence the future.
Come on Jim and the Lads. We are,still, right behind you.
If it’s the play offs then so be it.
Home advantage with our home record, could be worse.
Now is not the time for any negativity whatsoever. No post mortems will change anything.
The people who want success more than the (true) Wittoners are Jim and his excellent team.

eddiec wrote:

When Man Utd played Liverpool at Anfield last season you may recall that Liverpool played United off the park for 90 minutes and John O’Shea popped up and grabbed a lucky winner seconds before the end - the better team on the day didn’t win!

There are plenty of examples like the above.

I agree Fleetwood have done the job, but that does not make them the better ‘footballing’ team!

You could argue; had Rod been available for the Fleetwood game would we have kept our usual ‘rigid’ 4-4-2, and therefore not put in the performance that we did?!

Rod wasn’t injured or suspended, he was away doing something that no other club in our league would have to contend with.

It’s all ifs and buts, but it could of made the difference!

Robbo - Fleetwood did not sign a player who they knew would miss certain games a season - we did. Have you paid up your bet with the old man yet?

Rabbit - the best team won the league though.

Don’t forget everyone pays at the gate for the play-offs. :frowning:

Is there a discount for pessimistic pensioners?
