This website

Just a couple of points one of which i have highlighted to the web admin people before. <br><br>Firstly the other links page…conference north page has been coming soon for almost 2 years! Any chance?<br><br>Secondly on the home page any chance the shirt sponsor can be recognised for sponsoring us this season and not just 04/05.<br><br>Little picky things you might think but errors like that can effect getting sponsorship in the furure.<br><br>Thanking whoever in advance

Pritch its sad this forum has become members only, no more banter, nothing controversial these days.

Unfortunately I just don’t have the time anymore to regulate the forum as thoroughly as is required when guests are allowed to post - recall the sort of postings that occurred when the whole Finley debacle took place? <br><br>I am sure that the website will be updated with those things you suggest as soon as Neil has some spare time.

Maybe those people have moved on and the decision could be reviewed. You can always switch it on again.<br><br>To be fair it was an uncertain time<br>

not bothered about the forum aspect, but athis rate the stadium of make belief across the water will be finished before this site is updated!

This website<br>? on: 4:07pm on 10th Jan ? Quote Modify Remove <br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Just a couple of points one of which i have highlighted to the web admin people before. <br> <br>Firstly the other links page…conference north page has been coming soon for almost 2 years! Any chance? <br><br><br>Just searched back and found this and i know i have pm’ed Neil and spoke to him about it. All i can say is Neil that if after all this time this is your idea of coming soon then you are are going to make some girl really happy!

Sadly Brian I do not have the time I used to have (I’d love to be back at uni!)<br>As I said elsewhere if anyone is able to do a more through job (wouldn’t be hard would it) I’ll hand the reigns over.<br>

I think Si Hughes wouldn’t mind a crack at it actually!

Yes I need a hobby once I stop trying to play football.