It’s not often that a manager scores a hat-trick of his own, but that feat has been achieved by Witton Albion boss Gary Finley this week after signing three players to boost his squad.

First out of the hat was 20-year-old Lewis Craig, who was one of five players recently released by Blue Square North side Droylsden. Lewis joined the Bloods in the summer from VODKAT League side Barnoldswick Town, but he never got the chance to establish himself with the Greater Manchester outfit before manager Dave Pace decided to change his squad after a poor run of results, which also saw former Lincoln City striker Simon Yeo depart from the club.

A familiar name has returned to the UniBond League after a five-year absence with one time Cammell Laird forward Carl Lamb signing on for the Wincham Park side from Welsh Premier League outfit Technogroup Welshpool. Manager Finley had to move quickly to capture the striker as there was also interest from another UniBond side.

Apart from the briefest of spells with Droylsden at the beginning of the season, Lamb has been playing in Wales since season 2004/05 (68 app 26 sub) scoring 25 goals in his spell there.

Another one who has made the trip across the border is goalkeeper Craig Vernon.

The 6’ 1" Liverpool based keeper hasn’t played this season but ended the last campaign with Gap Connah’s Quay, having been recruited from Caernarfon Town, and is a former Chester City youth team player. Unfortunately, players had to be signed by last Friday to be in contention for last nights’ game against Altrincham, so Joe Clegg very braveley kept the goalies’ jersey following his horrific injury on Saturday.

With all the necessary paperwork completed the player’s go into contention for the weekend game at Loughborough Dynamo

Positive news !

What position does Lewis Craig play?

Left back

Great result at alty missed that one away on business ? now hopefully 3 more decent signing, certainly needed a left back, not sure we needed a striker unless he is significantly better than we have currently and a keeper we do need back up, but I do like cleggy good keeper at this level, if these signings come off then we could still get into top spot come the end off the season but i will reserve judgment till ive seen them play ! would like to know the position with young Dylan thought he had lots of promise - a bit raw but handled well would become a good player imo, need to get this squad down on a list hard to keep track of comings and goings at the albion ! :slight_smile:

Carl lamb eh?..gary was very sheepish about this signing :lol:

Yes think he was trying to pull the wool over our eyes, ewe would never think that, still if hes no good he will be for the chop !! hopefully he will be mint.

ill get me coat

is it a sheepskin coat?.

Baa think it might “Tup” the balance a bit better,and help ram some goals to,as long as he can keep abreast of things.

Have these new signings been funded in the same way as super John Mcaliskey? It’s great news as long as it is not a gamble with the F.A trophy winnings on getting promotion at the first attempt!

If we don’t spend the money on trying to get out of this division what should we spend it on for God’s sake?

This wretched league is a total nightmare for the Albs! But gamble money on promotion, don’t achieve promotion, money has gone!

Just in reply to your posting , yes I have donated again and not for any specific player on this occasion . The money donated went straight towards the players budget. Im not going to disclose any amounts Ive donated , that is between the club and myself, but if I can help along with others to get us out of this division I will. Like I explained in a previous post its a difficult winter and home gates could be low in this league I wanted to give the club a lift.

Having a friend on the board TWS I can’t express how highly your contributions have been appreciated, no idea of the figures involved but I do know that the way you have gone about donating with no fuss is not only a credit to you but your Dad too. I love the Albion, you won’t catch me pulling the manager to bits or the team, just like you I give what I can and support when I can. Besides I haven’t got time to write war and peace!!


thanks for your further support, its fantastic lets hope the signings come off and we really get going with consistency, your dad would be so proud of what you are doing as we all are.

I think that there are a lot of people associated with this Club that deserve to see us promoted this season. The list is a long and distinguished one.

i think it would be a fitting tribute to your Dad TSW if your donations helped us towards achieving that goal this season.

As i have said elsewhere, i think that everybody has had a chance to air their opinion on what we should and shouldn’t be doing (and quite rightly so, that is the idea behind having an independent forum like this), and i think now is the time to pull together and see how these new signing bed in.

Of late we seem to have lost the camaraderie that we had 2 or 3 seasons ago. I know as a Club we have been through some tough times, and we have seen a massive turnover in players, managers, and board members. But the bedrock of any Club is it’s supporters, and we all remain a constant.

Let’s try and get that Albion spirit back.

We Wittoners might disagree soetimes, we might think other Wittoners don’t know what they are on about, but we all want one thing, success for OUR club. We are not all “pulling” in the same way but I am sure we are all “pulling” in the same direction.

What a load of Toss! while you lot sit by your keyboards "Pulling yourselves off in all directions " and whinging on about what we should all be doing, we are out there doing it! there are still at least 30-50 “Wittoners” who have hardly missed a single game , home or away and despite having to endure some of the most miserable facilities and journeys imaginable, still manage to sing,shout ,clap,cheer, and encourage, no matter what, ask any Witton Player, and ask any opposition “Goalie” what set of visiting supporters they dread the most,(ask any Bar steward who boosts his takings the most too!) the language is sometimes choice, the wit is Razor sharp and , most importantly , our comradarie is envied by all.
Those same supporters donate there time and effort , working tirelessly for there club, donate there hard earned cash by way of attending the functions organised by the Dev Fund, join the 200 club and Witton lottery, buy a programme, have a go on the predictions,try a golden goal, visit the “T” Hut and Club Shop, or like the silent few , actually just give money, without any fuss, and purely for the benefit of Witton Albion.
“We are Albion” so when you lot decide to come back, well be there waiting to welcome you! dont wait for success,because that starts with support, the more support, the more money through the turnstile, etc etc ,you know the script, if you cant come buy a season ticket or send your gate money to the Club, theres no excuses if you are a true “SUPPORTER” never has a statement been so true as “If you dont use it you’ll lose it”, over to you then, see you at Loughborough? if its on!!
PS Winter Ball Tickets anyone? :wink:


jap wrote:

[quote]What a load of Toss! while you lot sit by your keyboards "Pulling yourselves off in all directions " and whinging on about what we should all be doing, we are out there doing it! there are still at least 30-50 “Wittoners” who have hardly missed a single game , home or away and despite having to endure some of the most miserable facilities and journeys imaginable, still manage to sing,shout ,clap,cheer, and encourage, no matter what, ask any Witton Player, and ask any opposition “Goalie” what set of visiting supporters they dread the most,(ask any Bar steward who boosts his takings the most too!) the language is sometimes choice, the wit is Razor sharp and , most importantly , our comradarie is envied by all.
Those same supporters donate there time and effort , working tirelessly for there club, donate there hard earned cash by way of attending the functions organised by the Dev Fund, join the 200 club and Witton lottery, buy a programme, have a go on the predictions,try a golden goal, visit the “T” Hut and Club Shop, or like the silent few , actually just give money, without any fuss, and purely for the benefit of Witton Albion.
“We are Albion” so when you lot decide to come back, well be there waiting to welcome you! dont wait for success,because that starts with support, the more support, the more money through the turnstile, etc etc ,you know the script, if you cant come buy a season ticket or send your gate money to the Club, theres no excuses if you are a true “SUPPORTER” never has a statement been so true as “If you dont use it you’ll lose it”, over to you then, see you at Loughborough? if its on!!
PS Winter Ball Tickets anyone? :wink:


I agree with every word of that.
Supporting a team when they are winning aint what supporting YOUR team is all about.
The hard times make the great times all the more sweeter and rewarding.
See you at Loughborough, hope its on otherwise I dunno what else im gonna do tommorow!

TWS, magnificent support for the Albs lets hope it pays off as we would all want!!!