three wise men or wot?

picture taken from frickley game.<br><br>anyone know wot des is passing to sprucie.?<br><br><br><br>

not sure about three wise men more like speak no evil see no evil and hear no evil.


Looks like a drug squad surveillance video :o

yes i see what you mean. <br><br>its just after the bust. [smiley=nono.gif]

sprucie does look on something!

according to sprucie, des got a (ten bob note) out of is pocket, and said , get the drinks in at half time. ::)<br><br> [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif]

My god things have changed since I’ve been away. ;D

That’ll go with your white fiver Toneeeeeeeeee!!!

get on with your house work, young chad. :stuck_out_tongue: