Titch stays!!!


Very good news. Roll on the start of the season :clap

Methinks a few Bob on us winning the league might not go amiss!!

I feel something special is going to happen next season, Sanna, Titch, Walker (fit again), Lea, start of something good here :slight_smile:


Are bees making honey, or is it just a buzz I can hear?

Definitely getting a good vibe for the coming season.

Come on WITTON :goal

bowdown bowdown brilliant news :clap :clap things cannot get any better. what a player to have for next season. can we now go on to win the league?. what a coup by pritch, it just speaks volumes of him, and the same for titch. he could be playing at a higher level earning more money, but he has signed for us, that’s what we fans want and love, true commitment from the players. thank you titch for signing. this news together with the players who have signed on again and the new signings surely show where we are going this coming season. :goal :goal

Great news indeed, a real coup for us to have Titch on board!! :goal

Very good news, this together with all the signings to date suggests we will have a much better season - still need to replace josh though ! Not sure Jon Dawson is the answer although he did have some good games but a bit inconsistent and maybe won’t get the goals.
We’ll done pritch and the team looking forward to preseason - cannot wait UTA

Fab news, Titch can go on to be a Witton Legend, given time and good fortune.

Can’t wait for the first friendly.

BTW, I hope Gards doesn’t end up knackering himself for the new season, being as he appears to be playing up front for Iran at the World Cup…



Alex taking a community lead role is inspired, the club are making some real progress IMO, we now need all the fans to pull together and support the great initiatives. UTA