
Hi all<br><br>Don?t know if anyone can help, were running a bus to tomorrows game and a few of the fans on it are wanting to watch the Chelsea v Man U game.<br><br>So the question is, will you be having it on in your clubhouse, if not can anybody suggest a near by pub we can watch it in?<br><br>Looking forward to tomorrow?s game, as if I haven?t seen enough football this week!<br><br>Cheers<br>Phil - MTFC<br>

If it’s on Sky - it won’t be on in the club.<br><br>Suggest you go to the Anderton pub. Head for Town Centre - park in Sainsbury’s car park and walk across to pub.<br><br>GE<br>

Yeah its on Sky as far as I know, I take it you can?t walk there then? Any suggestions for places we might be able to walk to that?s not far.<br><br>If not they will have to do with out, and your bar it will be. ?You still have food on in there as well??<br><br>Cheers<br>Phil - MTFC<br>

Yes, food is on.<br><br>GE<br>