Tony Waterman

This Thursday, it will be a year since my Dad was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and he passed away only 6 weeks later. I am running the Windsor Half Marathon on 29th September 2013 to raise funds to support The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, in his memory.

His illness was too far along for anything to be done; only an earlier diagnosis would have given him any chance. The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is the only organisation that researches this disease and promotes knowledge of its symptoms to try to diagnose it earlier. The prognosis for lung cancer is poor, due to the normally late diagnosis and poorly researched treatment options.

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the World, and accounts for one in five deaths in the UK. Despite this, it only receives 5% of the UK cancer research funding. The work the charity does is crucial.

You can sponsor me by:

  1. visiting the following web address:
  2. texting WAFC99 £5 to 70070 to donate £5

All donations towards my £1,000 target will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

I lost my father to this horrible disease so I know how you feel, I hope the donations pour in but knowing Wittoners I am sure they will.

Hi Debbie

I would love to sponsor you. Not only because its a great charity but because your dad meant so much to us all.

Good luck for Thursday.

See you soon.



Tony was not only a true Wittoner but also a great person. It was a privilege to have known him .I will not forget the charity walk to Runcorn we did few years ago.
Sponsorship from me as well.xx

Please support this fantastic cause. Debbie isn’t too far from her target now according to the just giving site.

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far - I really appreciate it. I’m not too far away from my target and I’d love to reach it!

My Dad would have thought me an idiot for running a half marathon but would be secretly pretty proud :slight_smile:

How wonderful to hear the kind of news we expect on this web site, Wittoners pulling together for a great cause.