Too windy - what next?

The weather across the canal yesterday must have been considerably worse than it was on our side!

Bizzare that the weather was so different that we were able to win 6-0 and they lost 1-3 … of course the fact that this was their 9th home defeat of the season is nothing to do with the fact that the team is s****!

[color=blue]Vics were unable to raise their game throughout the first half and Aldershot took full advantage of a strong wind at their backs to create the better and more effective openings.

With the wind at their backs Vics looked to manufacture an immediate response and Byrne should have done better than guide a Brayson cross wide of a gaping target. [/color]

Next week the grass will be too green!


Not if their pitch is anything like it was in pre-season!! More browny-yellow then green!!

Fully agree Wincham Rabbit - Vics home form is s****.

Hey, but what next??? …Wittons home form against the same opposition is worse than s****!!!

Witton 0 RUSHDEN 1
VICS 4 Rushden 1

Witton 0   FARSLEY 0..................Note FARSLEY beat Witton in the replay
VICS  3    Farsley  1......................Note VICS proceed into the next round of the FA Trophy


Absolutely right, we did lose against both sides - if you saw the games you will know that they were close and arguably Witton could have beat both sides.

If this post is now about how each team has gone on against higher opposition in cup competitions then perhaps we should end it now…


I have no wish to argue with Vics fans, their club is in deep financial trouble, losing around ?6000 per week and totally reliant on their benefactor, Mr. Connett. Without his money the club would be in the North West Counties League. I want us to be the senior club again as we were in the 40s, 50s, 60s and most of the 70s. and the way things are going I can see that happening sooner rather than later.

Have to agree with WHS here and the fact is that I think Vics are in a worse situation than us. We have some control over what our board does. They have no comeback and Mr Connet owns the club and quite rightly can do what he wants whether you agree with him or not. I was quietly pleased after learning the Vics score on Saturday. However its no good getting on here and going on about them. Lets concentrate on us. We need to get up into the next league and increase our gates. It would be nice if Vics could join us in the conference north next season and we could finish above them in it!! I rather doubt that Vics will go down though!! Lets us keep going and getting behind the team especially next Tuesday, but lets keep it in focus that promotion has to be number one priority!! C’mon the Albion!!