unhappy sponsor

[smiley=dunno.gif] ok the games called off. but wouildnt it have been the done thing to let the sponsor of the match ball know? i left work early today so that i could make it to the match in time.this costing me time and money that i could have made ! i now will have to travel back to staffordshire in the morning,this again costing me time and money! if i had been informed that the game was off ild have been able to stay there ,and not make a meaningless journey. why do i feel that i`m being taken for granted [smiley=dunno.gif]

pencil I sympathise with the way you have been treated. No way to treat a valuable sponsor of WAFC.<br>Earlier I asked why the game had been postponed and had my post deleted by the Moderator.<br>No reason given.<br>Rob Sproston has got a point. What is happening ?<br><br><br>

Can sympathise entirely with you. One wonders who is supposed to be doing what at the club as you were announced and in the programme as the Match Ball Sponsor on Saturday against Lincoln. Now realise why I didn’t see you there!!!

Mike<br><br>I completely apologise to you for this unforgiveable oversight. It’s no-one’s fault but mine not to have let you know. I had thought you were doing the Lincoln game as Chad indicated but that you cound not make it.<br><br>I will call you to apologise again in person; the club really can’t do without supporters as loyal as you, and let me assure you that you are not taken for granted. Even though you are fully justified in believing the opposite to be true.<br><br>Mark<br><br>Fully appreciate the signals this sends out to others. Again, no excuses.<br><br>

what point have I made? Don’t remember saying anything about this, I have made my point to the relevant people.<br><br>Mark has a difficult job, I speak from experience, the most important aspect is to keep your sponsors happy, sadly at Witton that is not always the case and I was also guilty.<br><br>If a company sponsors something they deserve to be looked after and supported by the club. there is then every chance sponsorship will be renewed. <br><br>I have found to my cost that this doesn’t always happen does it pencil!! <br><br>

thanks for the apology mark. the whole thing made me feel angry at the time. as long as we can learn of this oversight. i`ll will sponsor the match ball again. i just worry if this happend to a different sponsor, would they sponsor witton albion again ?