Unibond Premier!! Finally!!!!!

Hey all!!! Finally got to the Unibond Premier!! Even though it took a bit of re-structuring!! Just to quick one to wish you all the best for the season!! Hopefully you`ll all be back where you belong in the conference and you can finally kick them green hanger-onners in to touch!!! ;D<br>Currently in Australia playing pro at the moment for South Adelaide Panthers and just signed for a team in Florida for the start of their season, thats if the floods hold out but on my return I will definitely come and watch you lot and see some of the old faces!!! P.S. Can Pritch possibly lose any more hair - must be that daft hat he wears to work!! ;D

You maybe in the unibond premier but your still 2 leagues below the conference.As for belonging in the conference, 3yrs out of 26 does’nt constitute being a conference club.You’re more akin to being a unibond 1 club,6 yrs out of 7 in that league!! As for the Vics, 26 out of 26 at the top,enough sai COME ON U GREENSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Hi there Danny nice to hear from you and that you’re still keeping in touch even though a "few miles" away!! - isn’t the www a wondrous place??<br><br>Thanks for your wishes - Pritch no doubt will be responding in his own way when he gets back from yet another holiday!!<br><br>Can’t be bad eh Aussie followed by Yankie Land. Enjoy and hope to see you when you’ve had enough of the good life!! <br>

Danny get fit and get back !!!