Urban Village

The value of Wincham Park must have gone up ten fold with the news that the planning permission for the so called urban village at wallerscote has been kicked out.

Turn over the page - what about the housing for Wincham being withdrawn from the parish plan due to no great need in the area?<br>Mind you, do houseboats come under this legislation? ::slight_smile:

That was aditional land that the local council wanted to add to the 2006 planning, adds further value to Wincham Park

Further in the guardian you’ll see a letter referring to the incinerator. The value of land at wincham is set to fall dramatically – unlucky for us and for vics – shame!!<br>VRBC have done it again, wincham is now NOT in their plans for development.

not sure how the village being turned down will effect witton but at least we wont have to leave the house at 1pm to travel 3 miles to witton through all the traffic it would have created to get to a 3pm KO!<br><br> ;D ;D ;D