As the pitch is currently too soft to work on, then this is an appeal for anyone who can come down in the morning around 10:30 to help with the necessary forking, raking, brushing etc.<br><br>We are looking to have an inspection late morning and the more help we can get then the more likely the match will go ahead.<br><br>We should have enough equipment onsite but if you can bring forks, rakes or brushes then this may well help. Please remember to bring appropriate footwear and clothing though.<br><br>I’d appreciate knowing if you can definitely be there to help so please reply to this posting <br><br><br>

i think pritch might help.

Fars thanks for offering mate! Your right i will get a fork in it, get some sand on it and keep away from the right back! Happy New year to you all

happy new year mate. [smiley=banane.gif]

I’ll come down and help Chad.<br><br>Having been down this afternoon too it is indeed very soft , especially at the Lostock end in the usual spots. <br><br>Much of the pitch especially the wings were in very good condition and very firm but certain areas do need attention. <br><br>Much of the pitch is now flat too but will suffer badly if we get any more rain.<br>BLOW WIND BLOW!

I’ll be there CHAD!

Thanks Neil & Matt and anyone else who can come down - The match referee is coming around noon so let’s hope the overnight weather is kind to us.<br><br>Cheers

I’ll be down also Chad

Game on!! [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>Come on Witton!!!

Pitch in good nick considering. Never really any danger of it being off once we got to work on it. Cheers to everyone who came down and a better turn out than I thought.

Well done Wittoners! Our first game foe 2 weeks!! :smiley: