V Lincoln United

Oh sweet lord!<br><br>What a scoreline (1-5, latest) and a Byrne hat-trick, where has this boy been hiding.<br><br>Well done the Albion, everything is coming up roses.<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif]

Finished 5-1 & from the score updates it sounds like an awesome Witton performance with a Byrne hat-trick & goals from Moseley & Spike. They got a lateish penalty. <br><br> We are well back in the title race espicially if Spennymoor have resigned. Roll on Guiseley on Monday! ;D

What a great day. Again.<br><br>Fantastic performance; it truely could have been double figures with the chances we had. Understandably we took our foot off the pedal towards the end with next weeks tough fixtures in mind. Counted 25 travelling Wittoners too.<br><br>Danny Byrne was indeed brilliant again, but whole team was great once more.<br><br>Well done guys.<br><br>Bring on Guiseley!<br><br> [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif]<br><br>

I don’t think words quite describe how I feel at the moment. Anyone who was there today probably felt the same, sheer disbelief at how we took apart with excellent and commanding football on a poor pitch and created enough chances to have easily had double figures.<br><br>Confidence is high, and rightly so, this is a very good side we have now and if we’d done that to a mid table side at home we’d be raving about it for ages! Incredible.<br><br>Everyone played very well and yes we even had the option to take off super Mike AND hatrick man Byrne mid way through the 2nd half. <br><br>I had a dream we won 6-0, oh how they laughed at me at 10am this morning…<br><br>Danny Byrne, Danny Byrne, Danny Byrne…<br><br>Unbelievable :o<br><br>Good god we were good.<br>

Just wanted to add that we’re now 2nd (SECOND!!!) in the form guide behind Whitby!<br><br>And that I’ve said all week we’d batter Lincoln. And that I thought we’d win 4-0. Okay, so I wasn’t quite right, but I was at one stage in the game!<br><br> [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif]

What was that song I heard on the way out?<br><br>Is this the way to the play offs by Tony Christie?<br><br>Good god we were good! <br>Are we getting our message across?

Maybe you dreamt that we’d beat Guiseley 6-0 and couldn’t remember your dream properly Neil. Really pleased we decided to make the journey now.<br>Roll on Gary Finley’s Red & White Army. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br>5-1, 5-1, 5-1…

Great win. Couldn’t be there today but great fun watching on the Internet (sad!!).<br>In response to Macca’s question: ‘where has Danny Byrne been hiding…’ - to be fair to GF, he did say that Byrne was a target at his interview. Shame it’s taken DB so long to decide that we’re his best option! Here’s to more hat-tricks…no pressure.<br><br>GE<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Thomas the decision to sing:<br><br>Danny byrne, Danny byrne, Danny byrne…<br><br>with your arms out the window as you left Lincoln was inspired! <br><br>EIEIEIO…

I banged my head trying to stand up out of the sun roof to chant that. Then I realised that we don’t have a sun roof.

It’s days like yesterday that make it all worthwhile.<br><br>The local sports news headline was "Whites humiliated at home by Witton" and they got off lightly!!<br><br>Well done to all,a magnificent performance.<br><br>Our potent strike force is reaping just rewards for the whole team.<br><br>Confidence is good and the supporters have plenty to be vocal about.<br><br>Roll on Monday,let’s keep it all going.<br><br>Lincoln definitely got Sun-Byrned!!! [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Isn’t a month a long time in football. looking at the burscough result and performance I had written the season off. What a fantsatic turn around. What a great result away at Lincoln , always a physical side always a poor surface (when I played on it).<br><br>Well done and all credit to GF and to the players but mostly to GF for the turnaround he has achieved in 4 weeks.<br><br>Good luck against Guisely.<br>

Well said yozzer, couldnt agree more. <br><br>GF has worked hard getting players in and they have all been superb, hit the ground running. <br><br>Nothing more to say really, just take each game at a time, and who knows ay. <br>

Byrne was hiding at Leigh RMI,but failing to score in the conference, probably says alot about the difference in standard but who cares. After all said and done if we don’t beat Guisley and get something from Hyde then the playoffs will be history, the last few games have only put us in a position to challenge - nothing else!!